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one thing zhavia hated about flying on appa was how her hair would fly everywhere when they were flying against the wind. more or less, she had gotten used to being up in the air for long periods of time, and no longer had the continuous urge to throw up. however, she would still prefer when the four would walk through villages opposed to fly over them.

"are we almost near land?" sokka asked for the fifth time within the hour. zhavia wanted to know too, but she wouldn't ask since appa seemed to be slowly declining onto a nearby island now, so she figured they would land soon enough.

"it's the same answer as the one i gave you before," katara rolled her eyes, braiding zhavia's jet black hair so it wouldn't bother her as much, "whenever we find somewhere to land appa, that's when we'll land."

"well it's looking like we're almost near somewhere." zhavia added, glancing down towards a forest and noticing an opening coming up.

"we are?" sokka widened his eyes as he scooted over to the ends, a grin formed on his face as he realized zhavia was right.

"yep!" aang yelled up from the front, only having paid attention to the end part of their conversation, "i think this is a good place to set our stuff up." he noted. sokka rapidly shook his head, he was ready to stretch his legs.

katara quickly finished the braid on zhavia's hair, and it was a simple long one down her back. zhavia didn't know if she liked how it looked, but it was convenient so she decided to keep it for the time being.

appa had landed in between trees and was resting— so the rest of them began looking for berries and water. zhavia was walking near sokka, aang, and katara down a grassy field.

from appa's saddle, they noticed a large ocean nearby, and were walking towards it. zhavia would be able to filter the water by heating it up with her bending, and aang or katara could cool it down for drinking.

not paying attention as she walked down the declining hill, a small groan left her lips as she stubbed her foot into something sharp, "ow." she mumbled, looking down.

before she could get a good sight as to what it was, aang picked it up with an awed expression. "hey look! a sword made out of a whale's tooth." aang held it up. sokka immediately slid down the hill, before taking it from aang's hands.

"let me see that." sokka mumbled, grabbing the spear and investigating it. zhavia looked curiously towards him, wondering why he was examining the weapon so closely.

"do you recognize it from somewhere?" she asked him, wondering why he was staring intently into the weapon.

"this is a water tribe weapon," sokka replied, looking up and locking eyes with zhavia for a second, "see if you can find anything else." he told them, before spinning on his her to start to look for other weapons belonging to the southern water tribe.

zhavia was still slightly confused, but nonetheless went to the surrounding forest to look for anything off in the ground or trees.

"did sometime lose something?" katara asked, walking down the hill a little later and standing next to zhavia. zhav shook her head, but aang replied to katara's question before she could.

"no, we found something." aang grinned, sifting through the bushes. a clank of metal came from behind zhavia, so she went to look.

sokka has picked up another spear, a smaller one, and immediately started looking around. "there was a battle. water tribe warriors ambushed a group of firebenders. the firebenders fought back, but the warriors drove them down this hill," sokka began running down the dirt path and the others quickly followed him, curious as to what happened. as they reached the rocks, katara helped her jump over them so that zhavia wouldn't irritate her injury any more.

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