Chapter 4

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The human soul has still greater need of the ideal than of the real. It is by the real that we exist; it is by the ideal that we live.

-Victor Hugo

Karanomori concluded her analysis update with Division 1. The new case was fairly straight forward. A man flagged by a hue check was taken into custody for treatment. They discovered he'd been self-medicating his eroding psycho-pass and that he'd beaten his wife and restrained her in their basement. The evidence practically spoke for itself. As the Division 1 team began to discuss her findings, her eyes slid to Akane. There was something different about her today.

Akane's eyes seemed brighter. She looked...happier. Happier than she had in a long time. Karanomori took a drag of her cigarette. Was it because of the data she'd pulled for Akane? The inspector had rarely asked her for a favor on the down low.  A favor she suspected was related to Shinya Kogami. Her lips curved slightly. If it did, that would explain the change in the inspector.

She glanced down at Akane's desk for the ashtray and was surprised to see it missing. Strange. It was the same ashtray that used to sit on Kogami's desk. The same ashtray that also used to sit on Sasayama's desk. In the weeks after Kogami's departure, they'd all noticed its migration to the inspector's desk. They'd all chosen not to say a word. It was easier that way. Akane hadn't seen fit to mention it and after a while no one bothered to ask. It had just become a fixture on her desk much the way it had on Kogami's.

Karanomori guessed it was her way of coping. At least it was a more effective coping mechanism than it had been for Kogami. He'd started smoking after Sasayama died and plunged into the deep end of humanity's darkness. They had been relieved when Akane hadn't fallen into that same downward spiral. Akane was an exceptional inspector, but everyone had their limits.

It had been obvious there was something special between Akane and Shinya. No matter how clear-headed their inspector, there was no mistaking the sadness that appeared in her eyes when no one was looking. But now...

The game of musical ashtray was over and Akane was looking happier than she had in years. There was only one reason Akane would be this happy...Shinya. She bit back a smile. Akane's favor finally made sense. She was searching for him and from the looks of it, had found him.

As the team wrapped up their discussion, Akane rose, addressing the enforcers, Karanomori, and Inspector Shimotsuki. "Everyone, I have an announcement to make." A smile played about her lips. "I'll be taking a leave of absence for a few weeks."

The reactions varied from from surprise to concern. Hinakawa, one of their newest enforcers, was especially fond of Akane. He looked up to her like an older sister. His eyes were wide with concern. "Are you okay?"

Akane assured the young enforcer, she was fine. "I just need a little time to myself."

Inspector Shimotsuki was the only one who snorted with derision. "Finally admitting you're not cut out to be an inspector?"

Karanomori made an effort not to roll her eyes. The rookie seemed to go out of her way to attack Akane any way she could. Their relationship had been sour from the moment Shimotsuki joined the unit. It had only gotten progressively worse as time went by.

Akane pursed her lips, ever the diplomat. "Not at all. Everyone needs a break to recharge. Even inspectors. I'll be back in no time."

"Does the chief know?" Shimotsuki shot back acidly.

Akane nodded, her smile tight. "Of course. She signed off on it this morning."

"Enjoy your trip, Akane. I'm headed back to the lab." Karanomori waved a hand and headed out the door.

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