Chapter 21

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Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.

-Frederic Bastiat

"You summoned, Lady Sibyl?" Ren Ishida's sardonic expression did not wilt under Chief Kasei's withering stare. He smirked, knowing it irritated her. Or rather it irritated the collective deep in the bowels of this rather imposing edifice. He was well-acquainted with the true nature of Sibyl. Especially, since his father was on the original research team responsible for Sibyl's creation. He was aware of Sibyl's power and its weakness. It made no difference to him who or what was in power. Ren cared for only one thing. Freedom. His own and no one else's.

"You can stop using that ridiculous moniker." Chief Kasei snapped.

Ren shrugged, hands deep in his pockets. "I could...but I won't."

Chief Kasei rose from her chair and came around her desk. Most had the good sense to be cautious in her presence. Not Ren. While the collective was sure he would not reveal their true nature, he still remained a thorn in their proverbial side. Ren's knowledge made him too dangerous to touch. So they'd maintained a precarious alliance.

"I have a job for you."

Ren snorted. "And what makes you think, I'm interested?"

Chief Kasei smiled. It wasn't a pleasant smile. "I thought it would be right up your alley."

"Oh?" Ren settled casually in an arm chair. Why the chief bothered with the cozy seating arrangement was beyond him. Perhaps it was to maintain a human pretense?

"I need you to run surveillance on two our our inspectors." The chief stated flatly.

Ren arched a brow. "Inspectors? More of your precious civil servants fall from grace?"

Chief Kasei settled on a sofa across from him. She folded her hands neatly in her lap. "Not exactly. We're concerned about the mental welfare of our two inspectors. We need an...outside, 3rd party perspective."

Ren snorted. "What happened to your eyes? Getting myopic in your old age?"

"You have been allowed a certain amount of latitude. However, that can always change." The chief's words would have intimidated anyone else. Not Ren. He ran a casual hand through his shaggy red hair.

"Playing hard ball. Best be careful. You might overplay your hand." Before Chief Kasei could reply, he continued. "I'll do it. I'm curious to see what warrants such special interest from the almighty Sibyl."

He watched the chief carefully. While the chief's body was entirely cyberized, there were some human habits that still remained. Those idiosyncratic things corporeal beings possessed. A holdover from the days when those brains still had flesh and blood bodies. He couldn't be 100% sure, but it seemed as if the chief were relieved. What was it about these inspectors that had the chief so worked up? He didn't think he'd ever see Sibyl anxious.

"You'll receive their files shortly."

Rising, Ren brushed imaginary lint from his sleeve and headed for the door. His wrist unit beeped. The files. He waved to the chief over his shoulder. "Pleasure seeing you again, Lady Sibyl."

Chief Kasei watched him go, wishing she could find a reason...any reason to eliminate Ren. Remove him from the board. Thanks to his father, he knew too much. Combined with his father's intelligence, Ren was  a dangerous man. She was loathe to use him, however, Shimotsuki was taking too long. While the collective lived by shrewd logistical analysis, some by-product of that reptilian brain kept warning of impending disaster. They could sense forces at play that were beyond even their control.

Chaos approached...and it wouldn't be long before it arrived on their doorstep.


Yayoi stared pensively at the ceiling fan rotating above Shion's bed. It seemed the relative stability of Division 1 was about to come to an end. Something was bothering Ginoza. She hadn't seen him this tightly wound since his days as an inspector. She'd caught a few meaningful glares he cast Tsunemori's way. Their senior inspector's usual cheer seemed strained. Even Inspector Shimotsuki was behaving oddly.

It was no secret their inspectors did not get along on a personal or professional level. However, she'd been surprised to see Shimotsuki having lunch with Tsunemori. From a distance, it looked like Shimotsuki was trying to patch things up.

Yayoi scoffed quietly to herself.

That wasn't likely. Inspector Shimotsuki had many good traits when she chose to show them. However, peacemaking wasn't one of them. Their junior inspector was young. While she performed the majority of her job competently, there were moments when it was painfully obvious how young she was. Maturity would come with time. However, Yayoi doubted that time was now.

The bathroom door opened, steam pouring into the room. Shion strutted out, clad in a short terry-cloth robe. She arched a brow, a smirk on her lips. "Something on your mind?"

Yayoi's cool eyes met Shion's playful gaze. "You could say that."

"Anything I can help with?" Shion winked and reached for the pack of cigarettes on the bedside table.

Rolling to her side, Yayoi replied. "Not really. Unless you know why the inspectors have been acting strangely."

Shion paused in the middle of lighting her cigarette. "Have they?"

Yayoi nodded. She regarded the data analyst carefully. She was fairly certain that Shion was keeping something to herself. It seemed everyone was keeping secrets these days. "Things have been off ever since Tsunemori got back from her vacation."

"This job does have a way of wearing people down." Shion replied, lighting the cigarette and taking a drag.  Though her response and her movements were casual, she could feel Yayoi's scrutiny as she smoked. She'd made a promise to keep Akane's secret, but how long could one keep a secret from someone trained to sniff them out?

"If we were talking about anyone else, maybe. But this is Tsunemori. There aren't many things that affect her."

Shion pursed her lips. Well....there's definitely something...or rather someone who does...

"Do you know what's going on?" Yayoi asked directly.

Shion sighed. "It might be better if you ask the inspector herself." Her heart pounded. She prayed Yayoi would let the matter drop. She didn't want to violate Akane's confidence, but neither did she want to lie to Yayoi. It would be useless. The woman was an incredible enforcer. She'd know she was lying.

Yayoi regarded Shion for a beat before settling and staring at the ceiling. She knew the data analyst was hiding something. Something about Akane. Something it was clear she was not going to give up easily. It has to be something big for Shion to be so cagey about it.

Perhaps she should ask Akane.

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