Chapter 9

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The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

-Robert Burns

Rio sipped an ice cold glass of horchata at the bar, flipping idly through a magazine. Business was slow. Customers were few and far between. There was the odd person who stumbled in lost and looking for directions. Few were actual customers. She sighed and stretched her arms.

There was only one customer she looked forward to seeing again. Rio smiled absently to herself.

She had met many kinds of people in her line of work. Arms dealers, mercenaries, fugitives. You name it. None were like Shinya Kogami. While he was clearly at home in the midst of chaos, she had the distinct impression he didn't belong here. He had a strong sense of morality that had no place out here in the wilds abandoned by civilization. She'd always been curious what had chased a good man like him out here. He'd never said and she'd never asked.

When anyone asked about his past, his eyes would darken and his mouth would tense. He looked haunted. Tortured by something he refused to talk about. Rio stared off into space. She could understand how he felt. How it felt to have pain like a black hole in your chest. A hole so deep and so dark, there was no use shining a light on it. Talking about it wouldn't change a damn thing. The dead stayed dead.

The barroom door swung open. Rio looked up and grinned. "Just can't stay away, can you?"

She hopped off the stool to greet Kogami. She came to a halt when she noticed the woman beside him...and their linked hands. Rio arched a brow. "And you brought a guest." Her eyes coolly assessed his companion. Small...pretty - she grudgingly admitted to herself. There was a stubborn tilt to the woman's chin and a watchful expression in her eyes.

"Akane, Rio. Rio, Akane." Kogami introduced them, not missing the silent exchange between the two women. He rubbed the back of Akane's hand with his thumb. He wasn't sure if he was reassuring her or himself.

Akane shot him a sidelong glance before bowing slightly. "Pleased to meet you."

Rio chuckled and nodded her head. "You must be the reason Shinya won't be my lover."

Akane stiffened at Rio's bold familiarity. "Her lover?" She repeated glaring up at Kogami.

"An offer I've refused." Kogami replied, hastily. Akane's lips thinned into a firm line. He could tell she was fighting the urge to react.

Akane bit back all the things she wanted to say. An unfamiliar fury pierced her chest. It took her a moment to recognize it as jealousy. The urge to wipe that smug smile off Rio's face was strong. She caught herself before she acted. This was definitely not like her. Logically, she knew she had no reason to be jealous. Kogami loved her. She didn't question that.

However, it didn't stop her heart from being wounded. She shouldn't be surprised that other women found Kogami attractive. And yet...Rio...was...Rio. She looked tough, but feminine. Cool and confident. She looked like the kind of woman who belonged beside Kogami. A man would have to be crazy to turn her down.

"There's only room for one woman in my heart." He raised Akane's hand and kissed it. He was rewarded with a faint flush and softening of her mouth.

"Definitely crazy." Akane whispered to herself.

Rio snickered. "Relax. He's not interested in me." With a toss of her dark mane, Rio turned on her heel and headed to the back. "Wait here. I'll be right back."

The moment Rio left, Akane gave Kogami an expectant look. "How did you two meet?"

Kogami twitched under her stern expression. "Her cousin smuggled me out of Japan. That's all, really."


"Yes, really." He pulled her close, lifting her chin until her eyes met his. "Do you think anyone could ever make me forget about you?"

A smile tugged at Akane's lips. "Fine. You're forgiven, but she lays a hand on you, it's on."

Kogami looked down at Akane in surprise. He hadn't pegged her as the possessive type. She was smiling, but something in her eyes told him she wasn't kidding. He caressed her cheek. "I'm flattered you want to defend my virtue."

Akane narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't get cute. What are you picking up here?"

He shrugged. "A few odds and ends to help me bypass cymatic scanners. There are plenty of skilled hackers and inventors with enough equipment to bypass Sibyl's eyes. Luckily, a few of them owe me favors." He replied, observing her carefully. Akane still seemed tense, despite his reassurances. He couldn't really blame her. Hadn't he gotten jealous just last night of a man he'd never actually met? It was probably worse seeing Rio, especially when Rio wasn't the kind of woman to mince words.

"Alright, hot stuff. Here's the last of your order." Rio returned carrying a large duffel bag. She dropped it at Kogami's feet and held out her hand.

"Thanks Rio." Kogami handed her the fat envelope.

Rio peeked inside. Satisfied, she grinned. "Why don't I treat you both to dinner tonight? Since I'm so flush with cash." She added, waving the envelope. "Think of it as a sort of farewell party."

"I don't--" Akane began.

"Please." Rio reached out and held Akane's hand. "As an apology for earlier."

Akane sighed. She wanted to keep Rio at a distance, but was unable to stay aloof in the face of her eager smile. "Sure. Why not?"

"Perfecto! There's a little restaurant around the corner from here. It may not look like much, but the food is amazing."

Hefting the duffel bag, Kogami slung it over his shoulder. "Lead the way."


"Isn't this going overboard?" Jay murmured into his coms. He was stationed across the street from Rio's place. Mason had ordered them to keep watch for Kogami and his woman. They were to look for an opportunity to grab her and bring her to Mason. A perfect lure to capture Kogami. He and Rico had been wandering aimlessly in the market, pretending to shop.

"Definitely, but orders are orders." Rico replied, eyes trained on the back entrance to Rio's.

"I know, but damn let it go. He burned Mason bad. Why go back for seconds?" Jay groused.

Rico shrugged a second before he remembered Jay couldn't see him. "Look man, just do the job. You don't want to get on the bad side of someone like Mason King." Six months, Rico had listened to Jay whine and complain. The heat. The food. The accommodations. He complained about everything. Rico was ready to shiv the bastard and call it a day. If Jay hadn't been one of the best knife fighters Rico had ever seen, he would have.

"I know man, but going after his lady? That just seems like kicking a hornet's nest. You remember what that dude did to Steve...and that shit wasn't even personal! This...this is going to be personal."

Rico let out a frustrated sigh. "If you don't like it, why don't you go tell Mason?"

Jay was conspicuously silent.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Rico snapped.

"Fine," Jay grumbled. "But I don't want to end up like Steve. Dude is breathing through a straw!" Jay grumbled.

Rico sighed and hung his head. This was going to be a long stake-out.

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