Chapter 18

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Virtue is persecuted by the wicked more than it is loved by the good.

- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote

Yoshi Hasegawa was having a bad day. Hell, if he was being honest with himself, he was having a bad year. Forced out of office by Sibyl and hounded into the Abolition Block....more recently running afoul of the local gang element. Hardly what one expected for the Valedictorian of his graduating class. He gasped for air as a fist scored a direct hit to his solar plexus. He landed hard on the cracked pavement. The rough concrete abrading his palms. This was the last time he ignored advice from Mr. Koji. He tried to rise when one of the thugs took a swing at the older man.

There was no need. 

Before the hooded thug could lay a hand on Mr. Koji, a tall, shadowy figure appeared. Moving with deadly efficiency, the figure rendered two of the thugs unconscious. They hit the pavement with a solid thud. The dark figure turned to the third man. His body loose. His weight shifted to the balls of his feet. Ready. Their attacker had enough sense not to go up against the mysterious stranger. Instead, he abandoned his buddies in the alley and took off running. Yoshi watched him go with relief. Slowly rising, he leaned back against the wall. 

"Who are you?" Mr. Koji growled. He readjusted his trilby and folded his arms over his chest. Years of living in the Abolition Block had not made him particularly friendly. Theirs was a small community. He knew everyone in it. Strangers were a rarity and often brought trouble in the form of the MWPSB. They were the last people Koji wanted to see right now.

The stranger casually lit a cigarette and inhaled deep. The red glow briefly illuminated his face. He had a bored expression in his eyes. He was completely unruffled by the hostility. Of course, how could he be concerned after so swiftly incapacitating two men with out breaking a sweat?

"Funny way you have of saying 'thank you'." He replied, his voice deep and husky.

Yoshi scowled at Mr. Koji. "Pardon my friend, he's suspicious of everyone. Thank you for your help."

The stranger snorted. "He's right to be suspicious. These are dangerous times."

"In that case, you shouldn't mind giving me your name?" Mr. Koji snapped.

The stranger took a drag of the cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke. "Fair enough. It's Kogami. Shinya Kogami." 

Yoshi froze. Kogami? Could he be that Kogami? Could he be the man Akane had told them about? He looked to Mr. Koji. His face was in shadow and well-hidden by the lowered trilby. The older man cocked his head, the only indication of his surprise.

"You that Shinya Kogami?" Mr. Koji prompted.

"Didn't realize I was famous." Kogami replied, drily. 

Mr. Koji burst into laughter. It rolled and bounced off the alley walls. "She was right. Got you down to a 'T'." He clapped Kogami on the back.

Startled,  he took a step back. "And who this 'she'?" 

Still laughing, Mr. Koji replied. "Our lovely Inspector Tsunemori, of course."


So this is Yoshi Hasegawa. Akane's politician.

The words sounded bitter even to himself. Kogami observed Hasegawa critically. Despite Akane's assurances, he couldn't help the twinge of jealousy when Hasegawa mentioned her name. The politician was young, probably close to Akane's age. He had the wholesome boy-next-door  appearance that no doubt went over well with voters. He seemed fairly intelligent, charismatic, and almost painfully earnest.

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