Chapter 15

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I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet.

-Natalie Comaneci

Akane awoke nestled in Kogami's embrace. She inhaled deep, savoring his familiar scent. The steady beat of his heart, a soothing rhythm. She snuggled closer, burying her face in his chest.  Her muscles were sore...and not just from her ordeal with Mason. A lazy smile curved her lips. Kogami had gone to great lengths to help her forget.

"How are you feeling?" Kogami's voice rumbled above her. He lazily ran a hand up her back.

" that I'm with you." She murmured. Her voice was still a little hoarse.

Kogami held her tighter. Despite sleeping with her in his arms, he still couldn't shake that awful moment when he saw her limp body. The helplessness he'd felt then, reminded him too much of the past.

"How are you feeling?" Akane probed when he'd remained silent.

He shrugged. "Ribs still hurt a bit."

Akane shook her head against his chest. "That's not what I meant."

"I know." He whispered.

"Hey." She pulled away to look up into his eyes. "I'm safe." She caressed his cheek. "I'm alive."

He clenched his jaw. "I know. It's just...seeing you..."

She stopped his mouth with a kiss.  She nipped his lower lip, playfully. "I'm glad I asked for a few weeks off. It'll take time for these bruises to fade."

Kogami scowled at her. "That's not funny. How can you joke about this? You could have died! And your psycho-pass--"

Akane cut him off with another kiss. "I can joke because it's over. I'm alive because you saved me. And I'm tougher than I look."

"What if I hadn't gotten there in time?" His voice was rough, his eyes tormented.

She ran her hand through his tousled hair. "But you did. My faith in you was justified." Before he could speak again, she covered his mouth with her hand. "No what ifs. You could go crazy wondering what could have been. Let's focus on the present. We're alive and we have a job to do."

The tension in his chest eased. Kogami chuckled. He removed her hand and kissed her palm. "Yes, inspector. Your obedient hound awaits your orders."

Akane snorted. "You're more like a wolf, Shinya."

"Am I?" He grinned, leaning down. He kissed her long and deep. He had needed last night as much as Akane. He needed to reassure himself she was alive and safe. One nightmare had ended and another was about to begin. Reluctantly, he pulled away. "We need to get moving. We have a rough road ahead and we need to be ready."

She nodded and sighed. "I know. We've got to smuggle you back into Japan."


Captain Franklin Titor was an unabashed smuggler. He transported everything from weapons to people. It made no difference to him as long as he was paid. Today, he'd been paid handsomely by a young couple. While Captain Titor had learned to mind his own business long ago, he couldn't help his curiosity.

The woman looked far too innocent to travel with a man who had such worldly eyes. In spite of her innocent appearance, she had a direct, no-nonsense way about her. She'd negotiated the terms while her man towered behind her.  His eyes boring into Titor's. His silence was far more effective than words. His ominous expression telegraphed exactly what would happen if his woman's terms were not met. He reminded Titor of a wolf inexplicably standing guard over a bunny.

Captain Titor had done business with plenty of dangerous people. So much so, he thought himself immune to their intimidation tactics. However, under the man's hard stare, Captain Titor broke out into a cold sweat. He readily agreed to all of the woman's terms and directed them to the hold. As they disappeared below deck, Titor breathed a sigh of relief. That was not an intimidation tactic he'd seen in the man's eyes. It was the promise of swift and sure retribution if he should give them trouble. Praying he would not have to cross paths with the couple until the end of the voyage, Captain Titor set about the rest of his preparations.

"Was that really necessary?" Akane shot Kogami a sideways glance as they descended the metal stairs.

Kogami's eyes scanned the dim interior, his stoic expression never changing. "Was what necessary?"

Akane snorted. "Kogami, I could feel you staring the man down. If you said 'boo,' I think he would have fainted."

He smirked. "Only fainted? Must be losing my touch."

"Kogami!" She admonished, only half-serious. Mr. Koji had already warned her about Captain Titor. When a man's loyalty was up for sale, his trustworthiness always came into question. Akane had no illusions about the kind of people she was going to deal with on this trip. She'd been prepared to haggle with Titor if necessary. When he had agreed so readily, Akane had been pleasantly surprised. At least, until she'd realized the reason for for Titor's amicability.

"You know I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." The words came out harsher than she meant them.

Kogami slid his hand into hers as they followed the narrow corridor. "I know you are." He lightly squeezed her hand. "I don't think I ever told you how proud I am of you." He gently pulled her along when she suddenly stopped. He glanced at her face to see a look of shock and a faint blush on her cheeks. 

He chuckled. "Don't look so surprised. You've made incredible strides as a detective. I'm proud of the person you've become."

"Why do I feel a 'but' coming?" She replied, her voice a little shaky with emotion.

He laced his fingers between hers and raised her hand to his lips. "I know you can take care of yourself, but don't hesitate to use me."

Akane's brow furrowed. She pulled him to a stop. "Use you?" Her heart bled at his words. Did he still think of himself as an enforcer? As something less than human? For all his talk of freedom, was he still trapped in a cage? "You're not a hunting dog for Sibyl anymore." Her quiet words were fragile in the silence.

Kogami scrutinized her sad eyes and stubborn chin. She'd never liked the idea of using another human being as a shield...even if they were latent criminals. He'd loved her for that even then. His life had become a repetitive cycle of blood and death until he met her. A rookie armed with purpose and youthful optimism. She woke him up and dragged him out of the darkness. She'd been right this morning when she'd called him a wolf. He wasn't a domesticated creature, but his loyalty ran deep.

Reaching out, he stroked her cheek. "I haven't been a hunting dog since I left. Whatever I am, I am yours. So let me protect you...not because you are an inspector and I was an enforcer. Let me protect you because I love you. Because my life would be empty without you."

Akane could feel her mouth hanging open. This kind of romantic declaration was only supposed to happen in movies and books. People didn't say stuff like this in real life! Then again, most people weren't Shinya Kogami. Only he could speak with such conviction and not sound cheesy. "It's not fair." Akane sniffled, as tears filled her eyes.

He frowned, concerned by her tears. "What's not fair?"

"You!" She sobbed. "You always say incredibly romantic things and catch me off guard."

Kogami bit back a smile as he wiped her tears. "I'm sorry?"

Akane gave a watery laugh at the absurdity of his reply. She hugged him close. "Don't you know my life would be empty without you too?"

He didn't like to imagine Akane pining away for him. However, he suspected telling her not to worry over him would be as effective as telling him not to risk life and limb to protect her.

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