Chapter 11

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Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand, blood and revenge are hammering in my head.

-William Shakespeare

Kogami knocked  back the last shot on the table. A vague sense of unease settled over him. His eyes darted around the crowded restaurant. Men and women were focused on their food and each other. The small live band drowned out most of the conversation around them to a low hum. Everything looked normal, but it didn't feel normal. Something was off. He glanced at his watch. Akane and Rio were taking too long. He looked down the dark hall to the bathrooms. No sign of them. 

Was he being paranoid? 

Makishima's unwelcome voice slithered through his mind. If she can find can they. He clenched his fist and concentrated on slowing his breathing. Akane's tracking skills had improved, but how many professionals were out there tracking him too? It wasn't as if he was lying low. Haven't you been a little...distracted lately? Makishima's voice teased.

Just as he started to rise, a man dressed in a tacky Hawaiian shirt and Kevlar vest was thrown out of the dark hall. He landed hard in front of Kogami's table. The patrons of the restaurant froze. It wasn't unusual to see fights break out. This little port village that had seen its fair share of smugglers, mercenaries, and criminals. When no one started shooting, the patrons went back to eating. They ignored the little drama playing out in front of them.

The man groaned and rolled over. Kogami's blood ran cold. He knew that face. The man was one of Mason King's mercenaries. Rio staggered into view, licking a bloody lip and nursing her stomach. "Asshole has a wimpy right hook. You should show him how to throw a proper one."

"Where's Akane?" Fear and panic turned his stomach sour. Mason King was a rotten bastard. If he had Akane...

Rio sighed. "I'm sorry. This asshole's partner took her." She aimed a kick to the man's side. "I couldn't stop him."

The man on the floor groaned and opened his eyes. He took one look at Kogami and shrieked. "Oh shit!"

Kogami narrowed his eyes, a predatory smile stretching his lips. "Long time no see, Jay." He reached down and dragged Jay to his feet.

Jay whimpered. "Listen, it wasn't my idea. Mason's crazy. I'm just following orders."

Kogami grit his teeth in an effort not to ram his fist into Jay's least not yet. His momentary restraint had nothing to do with mercy and everything to do with the amount of witnesses around them. "That argument didn't work for the Nazis at Nuremberg and it won't work for you."


Mason took a long drag of his cigarette. "How long does it take to pick up one woman?" He reached for his communicator to give Jay and Rico motivation when the sound of a scuffle erupted outside the apartment door. Frowning, he nodded to Mel, the mountain of flesh near the door. Mel had barely twisted the knob, when the door burst open. Rico staggered in, tossing Kogami's woman to the floor. 

Rico hobbled into the room, favoring his right leg. His nose was broken, dried blood caking his face. His left eye was red and swollen. He'd have a black eye soon. Rico glared malevolently down at the woman who was in just as bad a shape as he. Her lower lip was swollen. The right side of her face was red. There was a small cut on her cheek bone from Rico's ring when he'd backhanded her.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Rico glared at Mason and aimed a kick at her with his good leg. "This little bitc--"

"That's enough!" Mason shouted over him. "I told you not to hurt her...yet. Where's Jay?"

"Why don't you ask her?" Rico spat venomously.

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