Chapter 31

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Do the gods light this fire in our hearts or does each man's mad desire become his god?


"That's...I don't believe it." Ginoza gasped in shock. His mind reeled with the knowledge of Sibyl's true nature. Of all the things he expected Akane to say, this was not one of them. He leaned back against the car, the cool metal reassuringly solid. Before taking him to see Kogami, Akane insisted on telling him the truth. The whole truth. About everything she'd kept secret since the ill-fated day they pursued Makishima to the hyper-oat farm.

He thought he'd been ready. He was wrong. Akane had pulled over at a secluded rest stop near a park. It was completely deserted at this hour. Perfect for a clandestine conversation. Ready or not, she'd confessed everything. Sibyl's true form. Chief Kasei's identity. The real reason they had to bring Makishima in alive. Kagari's disappearance. What really happened in Shambala Float. And her plans to end it all.

Ginoza stared out over the darkening landscape. The cheerful park took on a sinister cast as night fell. Everything he believe was a lie. Everything he sacrificed was for nothing. How was any of this justice? He clenched his teeth as tears burned his eyes. He'd lost nearly everyone he held dear...and for what? His entire life had been in service to a monster. A system that had ruined his life. Thinking of the suffering he and his mother endured filled him with fury. His father-- He slammed his fist into the quarter panel of the car, leaving a large dent. 

"It's the truth." Akane replied quietly.

"I feel like such a fool." Ginoza muttered bitterly.

"You're not a fool." She reassured him. "We all chose to believe Sibyl was the answer...we didn't bother to question what it would cost us."

Ginoza sighed and looked down at her serious expression. "And I gave Kogami so much grief for being suspicious...he was right to be."

Akane smiled wanly. "Don't beat yourself up. It's in the past. I need you focused on the present."

He sighed and nodded. "So what now?"

"Now, we--" Her wrist unit interrupted her. Frowning at the unknown number, she answered cautiously. "Hello. Who is this?" Kogami wouldn't call her, at least not now. He and Mr. Koji should be wrapping up their mission. 

"Inspector Akane Tsunemori. I think it's time we had a little chat." She didn't recognize the man's voice. A pang of fear twisted her stomach. Who was this? How did he get her number?

"About what?" She replied, glad she kept the tremor out of her voice.

"Well, for starters, your junior inspector has just been abducted."

"What?! By whom?" Akane demanded as she and Ginoza hopped back into the car. Meeting with Kogami would have to wait.

"That's a very good question. Whatever have you two inspectors gotten yourselves into?"  The voice on the other end asked slyly. Before she could demand his name, he continued. "Sending you her last known location." Akane uploaded the coordinates into the GPS as they drove down the highway. 

"Why should we trust you?" Ginoza demanded. 

The voice on the other end chuckled darkly. "Ah, you have your faithful hound with you. You don't have a choice...unless you're okay with letting Inspector Shimotsuki die. Sibyl certainly is." 

Akane grit her teeth and floored the accelerator. Despite the dire situation, she did not miss the bitter tone of the caller's voice. It sounded as if he spoke from experience. As if he knows what Sibyl is. Her stomach twisted in knots as a new thought occurred to her. Did Sibyl know Shimotsuki had been abducted and didn't care? Shoving aside her curiosity for now, she focused on the road.

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