Chapter 7

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Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,

Old Time is still a-flying;

And this same flower that smiles today

Tomorrow will be dying.

-Robert Herrick

Akane rested in Kogami's arms, eyes half-closed. The late afternoon sun bathed the living room in a warm orange light. She knew they should discuss their game plan, but it felt too good to move. She sighed against him and snuggled closer. Inhaling deep, his familiar scent filled her nostrils. Smoke, aftershave, and Kogami. She smiled. She missed this smell. Her hand lightly ran across his chest. He was warm and solid beneath her fingers. Each muscle firm and defined. This wasn't a figment of her imagination. This was real.

Kogami inhaled sharply when her exploring hand skimmed over his ribs and lower. He bit his lip. Akane was killing him. He'd been fine with her dozing in his arms until she started squirming and feeling him up. His dream returned with a vengeance. The urge to lay her down on the couch and show her where else she can run those hands was strong. The only thing that kept his libido in check was how innocently she touched him. It hadn't occurred to him until now that it was entirely possible Akane was a virgin.

"Um...Akane?" His husky voice was low.

"Mhm?" She sighed, her hand stroking his hip.

"Unless you want to take things further, you might want to stop groping me."

Akane froze, her body tense. Her eyes widened. She snatched her hand back as if she'd been scalded. She hadn't meant to start stroking him like a furry pet. It had felt so natural. Panicked, she sat up and nearly dumped herself on the floor. Kogami hid a smile. Gripping her hips, he seated her, straddling his lap.

"I'm not complaining. I like it." He grinned at her.

"I wasn't groping you! It was just...I didn't mean..." Her protests petered out. She could feel her face turning red. "This is so embarrassing!" She hid her face against his chest.

He laughed quietly, hugging her close. "I'm just warning you. There's a lot of things I'd like to do with you..." He paused. Then lowering his voice, "...and to you, but there's no rush."

Akane's heart skipped a beat at his words. Her face burned with embarrassment and desire. Was her inexperience that obvious? Of course it was! Someone as perceptive as Kogami--and no doubt more experienced--probably noticed right away. She wished the floor would open up and swallow her.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about anything." He reassured her.

Akane sat back to see his face. His kind eyes and gentle smile. This man...this wonderful man filled with countless contradictions, with sharp edges and tender passion belonged to her. Her attention strayed from his eyes to his mouth. Moving on impulse, she ran the pad of her thumb over his lower lip. Kogami nipped her flesh, adding a teasing lick. Akane gasped, heat rushing between her legs.

"Akane." His voice was low and rough. His hands on her hips tightened. "We should probably stop."

"Shhh." She pressed a finger against his lips. Her eyes met his. "You're not rushing me." Her voice was quiet, her words soft. "I want this...I want you, Shinya."

He groaned at the sound of his name on her lips. It was just like his dream. Dreams didn't just come true. Not for people like him. What had he done to deserve love from such a woman? Akane silenced his troubled thoughts. She grabbed a fistful of his shirt and jerked him forward for a passionate kiss. Her lips, soft and eager. Kogami stopped trying to rationalize the hows and whys Akane loved him. Instead, he kissed her back with an ardor to match her own.

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