Chapter 5

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One sided love is unconditional because we fall in love without the conditions of being loved back.

-Nishant Kumar

Kogami slid a rough, calloused hand along a silky, smooth thigh. He was rewarded with a gasp and a breathy moan. He grinned, wolfish. She was so responsive to his slightest touch. Soft flesh arched against the hard planes of his body. The blatant contrast of their bodies only fueled his desire. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. His lips finding hers in the darkness. Slick, wet, heat. He groaned. Akane was everything.

Her kiss, her scent, her touch soothed the rage in his blood, the ache in his heart. She held him captive with merely a word. With her supple body wrapped around his, Kogami didn't mind being caught as long as it was Akane who brought him to ground. His name on her lips spurred him on. Lacing fingers with hers, he pressed her deeper into the mattress. He offered her everything. His body, his heart, his mind, even his very soul...just to feel the light of her smile, to see the hope in her eyes.

The tension between them coiled tighter and tighter until--

The sudden bang of a backfiring truck jerked Kogami out of his dream. He bolted upright, sweating in a tangle of sheets. His chest heaving, he ran a hand through his dark unruly hair. His eyes strayed to the other side of the bed, half-hoping it wouldn't be empty and that she would be there. Feeling foolish, he sighed. It was just a dream. The effects a fading echo. He took a deep breath and padded to the bathroom. Splashing cold water on his face, Kogami stared at his reflection.

The dream had felt so real. Even now, he could almost feel Akane's body in his hands. The intensity of his desire startled him. The control he exercised over himself had taken a hit after seeing her again...after making the decision to come home. Gripping the rust stained sink, Kogami took a deep breath of hot stagnant air. Wasn't it better than dreaming of Makishima?

He regarded his reflection ruefully. Yes and no.

Yes, this dream had been far pleasanter than that day in the hyper-oat field. At the same time, it was almost worse. His awakened desire had no outlet. The object of his desire was miles away in another country. Would she even want him? Doubts crowded his thoughts. He'd left her with a letter the first time and a pulse grenade the second time. What did that say about him?

His reflection could give him no answer.

Shifting his thoughts away from Akane, Kogami focused on the here and now. He had a couple of hours before his meeting with Rio and he couldn't afford to be late. Reaching into the shower, he turned a squeaky calcium encrusted faucet. The shower in the rundown apartment didn't have hot water. It was somewhere between tepid and frigid. He was just thankful the pressure was good and the water was mostly clear. Shedding his sticky shirt and shorts, Kogami stepped under the spray. The cool water sluicing down his back was a brief respite from the oppressive heat.

Rio was a smuggler from South America. Her presence in Asia was a mystery. A mystery she no doubt intentionally cultivated. Not much else was known about her person life. Rio seemed to like it that way. She had been moving people in and out of Japan for years. Her cousin, Max, had been the one to smuggle him out. She was his ticket to getting back in and staying under the radar. It was almost amusing to realize just how many loop holes there were Sibyl's so called perfect system. He had every intention of exploiting as many as possible to put an end to Sibyl.


"Shinya Kogami...long time no see." Rio grinned when Kogami walked into the bar. She blew a puff of smoke and ground her cigarette out on the scarred wood of the bar. The nameless shack was jammed between two other shops. Most people who frequented Rio's bar didn't come for a drink. The inside was spartan with only a few decorations to add some color to the otherwise drab interior.

Hopping down from her bar stool, Rio sauntered towards him with a sway in her hips. She was 5'6'' with midnight black hair falling in thick waves down her back and a smile that could inspire lust in a saint. He'd was certain many a man had fallen for the spark of adventure in her eyes.

"Are you finally going to take me up on my offer?" She stopped in front of him. Rio's hand reached out to toy with the lapel of his shirt. Her dark eyes framed with thick dark lashes looked up at him. "It's a good offer." She whispered, leaning close until their bodies almost touched.

He chuckled quietly. "Not today. I'm just here to pick up what we discussed."

Rio pouted and poked his chest with her index finger accusingly. "What kind of woman keeps your heart from me?"

This time he laughed. "She's one of a kind."

Rio rolled her eyes and sighed with exasperation. "Aye Dios mio! There's no point in trying to change your mind. Love makes men stupid. You let me know if she ever kicks you to the curb. Rio will be here." She waved for him to follow her behind a beaded curtain leading to the back of the bar. "Come on!"

The beaded doorway led to a long narrow hallway. When Rio opened the door at the end, Kogami was overwhelmed with the mouth-watering scents of cooking. His stomach growled traitorously, reminding him he needed to do some shopping on the way back to the apartment. He followed Rio through the small dwelling. An elderly woman was busily chopping vegetables and alternately stirring a large pot on the stove. A couple of young children were sprawled out on an area rug squabbling over a toy.

"Wait here." Rio stabbed a finger downward, leaving him standing in the small living room with the two children. They watched him warily for a moment before continuing their argument. Needing to do something with his hands, Kogami reached for the pack of cigarettes in his pocket. Before he could raise the cigarette to his mouth, a wooden spoon came flying out of the kitchen mere inches in front of his face.

"No Fumar!" The elderly woman narrowed her eyes at him, her lips drawn into a thin menacing line.

"Tried to smoke, didn't you?" Rio spoke at his elbow startling him. She grabbed his arm and led him back out front. "I wasn't able to get everything you needed today. I'll have the rest tomorrow afternoon." She held out a worn gym bag that had seen better days. "And because I like you," she stopped his hand when he offered her the envelope. "You can pay me in full tomorrow."


"De nada." Standing on tip toe, she kissed his cheek. "The offer still stands."

Kogami stepped back, a smile on his lips. "Sorry. It's still no."

Rio shrugged. "Can't blame a girl for trying. See ya tomorrow!"

The oppressive heat hit him the moment he stepped outside. He staggered a moment before heading slowly down the street to the market. His hunger was not deterred by the ferocious heat. Can't blame a girl for trying.

He smirked. Rio was a beautiful woman. There was no questioning that. In another life, at another time, maybe things would be different. However, in this life, in this time, there was only Akane. She'd gotten under his skin from the moment they met. An impulsive rookie had turned into a formidable detective. Somewhere along the way, they'd become partners, then friends, and...something more. He couldn't pin-point the exact moment it happened. He was just suddenly falling. Falling for an inspector in the middle of a deadly case. Talk about the world's worst timing.

Sorry, Rio. Kogami thought to himself. Even if Akane didn't want him, he was sure his heart would belong to her forever.

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