Chapter 36

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Truth never damages a cause that is just.

-Mahatma Gandhi

"So, are you going to tell me why I have a roomful of MWPSB personnel?" Koji remarked drily. "Technically," he gestured at the group. "This place was supposed to be a secret." Having the entirety of Division 1 march into his domain had nearly given him a coronary. His anxiety eased when he spotted Akane and Kogami, but only just. He eyed the others warily.

Akane had the grace to look embarrassed under Mr. Koji's stern expression. Clearing her throat, she replied. "There is a good reason for this. And don't worry. It will stay secret." She gave a pointed look to Inspector Shimotsuki. Mika's eyes were on her feet, her shoulders slumped. Another time, another place, Akane might feel inclined to comfort her. Not today. Not with what was at stake.

"What's the reason?" Hasegawa asked curiously, sizing up the rest of Division 1. He'd only met them very briefly a year ago. The team hadn't changed much...other than Akane's partner. He remembered Inspector Shimotsuki being incredibly insensitive. Now, she looked like a deflated balloon. 

"It's time for us to be completely transparent with our information. While I wanted to handle as much of this without involving all of you, I realize that's not going to be possible." Akane paused when she felt Ginoza's reproving stare. She had a feeling another lecture was coming. "From what I understand, we've all gathered valuable information to share." Her eyes landed on Kogami and Mr. Koji. "Perhaps you will lead us off?"

"Starting with the bad news first?" Mr. Koji grimaced, running a hand through his thinning grey hair. "Fine. To put it simply, Sibyl has built an army of cyberized inspectors."

The silence that hung for a beat was broken by a chorus of horrified exclamations from Ginoza, Hasegawa, Yayoi, and even Mika. Kogami leaned against the wall smoking a cigarette, watching the chaos unfold. If they ever needed a reason to put a stop to the Sibyl System, this was a big one. His eyes met Akane's. He'd filled her in quickly on their way back to the tunnels. She'd been just as horrified as the others. Horrified and a little scared. He couldn't fault her for that. It scared him too. 

Akane sighed and called them to order. They had much to cover and little time. The next hour was not an easy one. It was filled with unsettling revelations. Between the Sibyl's true nature, Chief Kasei's spies and Sibyl's army, the group was left speechless. The silence hung heavy over the gathered assembly. A range of emotions could be seen on their faces. Horror. Anger. Disbelief. Akane felt her palms begin to sweat. Nervous as to what they would say. Feeling Kogami's comforting heat at her back gave her the courage to speak.

"I know this is a lot to take in. Please take some time to think this over. If you don't want any part of this--"

"We'll do it." Kunizuka's cool and measured voice rang out. She glanced at Ginoza and Hinakawa. "I think I can speak for the enforcers. Sibyl has to be stopped. This isn't what we signed up for." She clenched her fist, barely able to contain her anger. The weight of all their loss threatened to overwhelm her. What would Kagari think about all this? She couldn't help feeling he would relish the opportunity to take down Sibyl. They had been able to save countless lives because of this system. However, the price was their freedom. Their agency had been stripped away by an entity as criminal as the people they pursued. This was not the justice she wanted to uphold.

Hasegawa sank into a chair and leaned heavily on the small wobbly table. "And I thought discharging an EMP in Nona Tower was terrorism. Just what the hell is Sibyl planning on doing with an army?" 

Koji snorted and set a glass of whiskey in front of Hasegawa. "Nothing good. Let's just make sure they don't get a chance to use them."

"Amen to that." Ginoza muttered. "I need a drink." He joined Hasegawa at the table. 

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