Chapter 14

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We'll survive, you and I.

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

Akane trembled like a leaf in his arms. Only seconds ago, she'd been at Death's door. She'd faced down Mason with nothing but a small utility knife and grit. Now, amid the carnage, she collapsed in tears. Kogami held her tight, stroking her hair. He whispered comforting words in her ear, all the while wishing he could kill Mason all over again. It terrified him how close he'd come to losing her. A split second later and she might not be alive. He pulled her more fiercely in his embrace and buried his face in her neck.

"We need to leave." Rio gently reminded him.

He nodded. Even here, it wasn't good to be caught with a trail of corpses. Slipping an arm under her legs, Kogami lifted Akane as he stood. He cradled her to his chest as if holding something infinitely precious. The weight of her in his arms was reassuring. She was alive. "Let's go."

"Asshole." Rio muttered at Mason's limp body as they passed.

Kogami's mouth twitched. Another dead body. Another death at his hands and yet...he didn't feel conflicted. There was no moral struggle. There was only relief he'd made it in time. Relief, he'd been able to protect her. 

They made it back to his apartment without incident. Rio left a few of her guys on guard outside just in case. She'd also taken charge of Jay, who still resided in the trunk of Max's car. He wasn't sure how he could ever repay her. Akane's life was priceless.

"Don't worry about it. We'll take care of the mess." Rio patted his arm. She left them at their apartment and headed out to tie up loose ends.

As he closed the door with his boot, Akane stirred. She raised her head. Her eyes were red and swollen. The bruises on her face and neck were starting to darken. Guilt and anger twisted his insides. Could he ever bring her more than misery?

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

She frowned. "For what?" Her voice was raspy. Another reminder of what Mason had done to her. He could feel the fury rising in his chest.

"I couldn't protect you." The words burned his throat as he spoke.

"Shinya." She murmured, cupping his cheek with her hand. "You came for me. You saved me. That is protecting me."

He gazed down at her earnest expression. "You were targeted because of me." He sighed in frustration. "Maybe Gino was right. Maybe I only bring you trouble."

To his surprise, Akane scowled at him. "Shinya Kogami! For a smart man, you can be such a fool!" She struggled until he set her on her feet. She stared up at him, hands on hips, with an imperious look in her eyes. "I never want to hear you say that again. I chose you. I love you! People don't get to pick and choose what they love about their partners. You have to accept everything. You make a lot of enemies. Guess what? So do I. What does Ginoza know? Maybe, I like trouble."

In spite of himself, Kogami laughed. "So you do have a thing for bad boys."

A smile tugged at her lips. "Maybe." She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him. His presence calmed her. She sighed contentedly. She never felt safer than when she was with him. Despite her outer calm, Akane was still shaken. If Kogami hadn't gotten there in time, she could have been dead. The knowledge scared her. She buried her face in his chest and let his warmth give her strength.

Feeling her tremble, Kogami picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. He gently sat her on the edge of the tub. "We need to get you cleaned up."

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