Twenty Eight

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Me: Hi Baby! Are we still meeting by the front gate? x

I sighed, shook my head and deleted the message. What the fuck is wrong with you, Odell? Why didn't you just tell her?

I glanced up as a knock sounded on my bedroom door. I called for the person to come in and smiled at my mom. Her smile matched mine as she stepped up to me.

"I can't believe you're graduating."

"I'm just glad to finally be finished with school" she lightly chuckled as she pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"You heard anything from Demi?" I shook my head, glancing down at my phone that I had in hand.

"I think I screwed up, Mom."

"You haven't screwed up, Honey, but you should have told her yourself. You should have told her when you made the decision" I nodded, knowing already that I screwed up in that aspect. If I could only turn back time. "I know you're worried you'll lose her, but many relationships survive long distance, and I honestly believe that you and Demi will survive this" Lani ran into the room a moment later and I smiled as she twirled.

"You like my dress?"

"It's beautiful, Princess" she giggled as she leant against my leg.

"Are we all ready to go then?" I nodded, smiling down at Lani as she played with my fingers.

"We get Demi?" she began to bounce on the spot. My heart ached at her name. What if we don't make it?

"She's meeting us there, Honey" she nodded, took a hold of mom's outstretched hand and then followed her from the room. I released a sigh, checking my phone for the last time before I followed behind them.


I couldn't stop myself from trying to find Demi as we stepped through the main gate and into the crowded field. Lani was between me and my mom, her grip was tight on my hand.

Demi's infectious and amazing laugh was the first thing that I heard before my eyes found her as she stood with Marissa and who I can only assume to be Marissa's parents. I turned to my mom who gave me a smile and then guided us over to them. Even if I wanted to protest, I couldn't. I need to see her because I need to apologise. I need to make everything right again.

"DEMI" Lani squealed which caught the groups attention. My heart burst at the smile that spread across Demi's face.

"Hi Princess" the older couple laughed as Lani threw herself at Demi. My eyes danced from Demi to Marissa who flashed me a smile, her eyes told me that she knew. I glanced down at the floor, only lifting my head up as Marissa introduced me to her parents, introducing me as Demi's boyfriend. I started to get excited when Demi didn't correct her. So, are we okay?

"You should probably all take your seats. I can walk you over" Marissa loudly stated, flashing Demi a look which I managed to catch. I glanced to Demi who shook her head and glanced down at the floor. "You coming, Lani?" she nodded, skipping to take Marissa's hand before they all walked off. An awkward air settled around us, my eyes remaining locked on Demi who was still staring down at the floor. Cat got your tongue, Odell?


"I'm sorry" her eyes flashed up to lock with mine. She didn't speak so I took that as my cue to continue. "I should have told you that I planned to go to Chicago. I shouldn't have kept it from you" she nodded, nibbling on her lower lip. My heart started to ache at the way her eyes started to shine. She took a step towards me and reached out to take my hand in hers.

"For a brief moment, I thought about giving up" my eyebrows furrowed. "I thought about letting you go" my heart cracked. She shook her head and quickly wiped at her cheek. "But I love you, Odell. I-I've never felt like this before. You make me feel alive. You make me feel so special. You make me feel beautiful even when I feel like shit" my lips ever so slightly tugged at the corners. "I'm going to support you. We're going to make this work because I believe in us. We're meant to be, I can feel it" I ran my hand along her neck and wiped the tears from her cheek with the pad of my thumb.

"I love you too, Baby, and yes, we are going to make it" she leant up on her tiptoes to press her lips to mine. "I'm coming back to yours tonight, if that's okay?"

"That's fine, but don't you want to spend the night with your mom and Lani? I don't mind going to yours."

"I don't think they need to hear that, Baby" I started to feel giddy as her cheeks blushed and suddenly I couldn't wait for tonight. "Come on, let's go and find Marissa so we can get to our seats" I wrapped my arm around her neck as she cuddled into my side. We headed in the direction that our families and friend had disappeared down until we found Marissa stood by the railing on her phone. "Your dad not coming, Demi?"

"Nope" she shook her head, smiling as Marissa looked up.

"Aw, look at the lovebirds back together" I rolled my eyes as Marissa lightly laughed.

"Shut up, Riss."

"Come on, let's go and find our seats. WE'RE GRADUATING, BABY" Demi and I shared a laugh as Marissa screamed, her arms flying into the air as she skipped a head of us.

"I don't know why I'm friends with her" I laughed harder, leaning to press a delicate kiss to the top of Demi's head. The seats were in alphabetical order so Demi was going to be seated a couple rows behind me.

"I'll meet you at the finish, Baby."

"It's not a race, Odell" I lightly laughed as she nudged me in the chest and rolled her eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too. I'll see you soon" she pressed a peck to my lips before she turned and headed down the field. I watched her walk away, the smile on my face just widening. I'm so lucky.


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