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Double update!! Aren't you guys lucky 😜😂


The Saturday that I spent with Demi was incredible but I was shoved back into reality at school on Monday. She didn't glance at me as I walked passed her in the corridor, giggling along with her friends or Nick. She didn't reply to my messages either. What happened? I thought we had grown closer. I thought we were heading towards being friends. We've only been having private sessions together for a week but we seemed to be getting along great. Obviously, I read into it all wrong.

"Hey, how's tutoring the bitch?" I rolled my eyes at Clint.

"She isn't a bitch, Clint" he lightly laughed.

"I know that you have a crush on her and all, but seriously? She treats everyone like shit at school."

"She isn't like that out of school, she's different" I slammed my locker shut and turned, instantly spotting Demi down the corridor. She was with Nick, his arm thrown around her shoulder. I could see the tension in her eyes, the smile that was spread across her face was fake as hell. Her eyes locked with mine and the look in her eyes had me all confused.

"Why's she looking at you like that?" I pulled my eyes from hers and glanced down at Clint to see that he was looking between Demi and I. If he noticed the exchange, did anyone else?

"I-I..." his eyebrows furrowed. "I kissed her."

"WHAT?" the corridor fell silent and everyone, including Demi, turned to stare at us.

"Move" I pushed him down the corridor and into one of the empty classrooms. I caught Demi's gaze as I glanced behind me but I slammed the door shut and turned to Clint who was pacing the floor with his hands clasped behind his head.

"How did it happen?"

"You're such a scaredy-cat. This bit isn't even that bad."

"It's a clown, Demi. An evil clown. It's bad enough" Demi lightly laughed. I jumped and nuzzled my face into her side. We had become closer the more the movie played and we were now practically pressed together. Her fingers ran through my hair, the touch made me tingle. No girl has ever made me feel like this, ever.

"And I thought you would be all tough. I never thought a little clown would affect you" I pulled away from her side and rolled my eyes. Our eyes locked and the look in her eyes made me lean in. My heart began to hammer against my chest as our lips brushed together. The touch made my lips tingle. I felt elated as her lips moved against mine but that feeling lasted for less than a second before it evaporated. She pushed at my shoulders until I moved away. "What the fuck are you doing?" she wiped at her mouth and scooted away from me. "Get out."


"Get out. Ju-Just get out" I pushed myself up from the couch and headed for the front door. I glanced back at Demi who had curled into herself and was now crying into her knees. My head and heart had a conflict of interest because my heart wanted me to go and comfort her, to apologise for doing something so stupid, but my head wanted me to run, it wanted me to run as far away as possible.

"So, you left?"

"What else was I supposed to do?"

"Fight for her maybe?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I sighed as I leant against the table. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared down at the floor. "You've been crushing on her since you were 12."

"I don't need that reminder. Anyway, can you forget that this happened?" he sighed but nodded. "Thank you" I turned and headed from the room, just as the bell sounded.

"I'll see you later, Dude" Clint gave me a light slap on the arm before he headed down the corridor. I watched him for a moment before I headed in the opposite direction. I noticed that Demi was walking towards me with Nick attached to her side and as much as I tried to avoid them, it was impossible. Demi walked into my shoulder, her hand finding mine and my eyebrows furrowed as she shoved something into it.

"Yo, Nerd, watch the fuck where you're walking" Nick turned around to glare at me but my eyes locked with Demi's. Her lips twitched ever so slightly at the corners.

"Nick, just leave it."

"No, the bastard just walked into you."

"I know but I said leave it" he turned to Demi, his eyes like ice.

"Why the fuck you protecting him?"

"I'm not. I'll sort it later. We don't have time for this, we'll be late for class again."

"Why do you suddenly care if we're late?" she tugged on his arm until he reluctantly followed behind her. I released a sigh and glanced down at my hand, opening it to see a scrunched up piece of paper. I opened it up and smiled briefly at the note.

Library room at 1 - D :)

I tried not to smile too hard at the note. Maybe I didn't screw it up. Maybe it was just the wrong time. I know that I shouldn't have kissed her but in that moment, I just couldn't stop myself. She has the most kissable lips and now that I know how they feel against mine, I need to kiss her again. Why would she ever date me though? I'm just a nobody and she's a popular. I know that we've been getting along, but that's sort of in private, nobody but Clint and her best friend know that she's being tutored. At the end of the day, when we go our separate ways, we're nothing to each other. The thought of that hurts slightly. I'd love to be something to her.

I sighed as I shoved the crumbled up piece of paper into my pocket and headed towards class.

One day I'm going to make her mine. I hope.


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