Forty Three

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"Hi Demi" I jumped, glancing to Elliot who leant against the counter, a smirk forming on his face. The smirk told me that we were the only two in the break room. I gave him a nod and a weak smile before I turned back to the coffee machine. I could feel his eyes burning into my side. I ran my hand along my stomach as if to protect my baby from Elliot's harsh stare. "Do I not get a hello?" I swallowed the lump from my throat at the subtle threat in his voice.

"Hi" his lips twitched into a wider smirk.

"When are you due?" my heart began to hammer against my chest as his eyes danced down to my bump. I felt this sudden need to protect them but I wasn't sure how too.


"You haven't got long left then?" I shook my head and turned back to the coffee machine which just seemed to be taking the piss today. I don't have time for this. "Do you know whether the baby's a girl or a boy?" I decided to just ignore him but that didn't seem to make the situation any better, it just seemed to piss him off more. "I'm just trying to be friendly here, Demi" a smile spread across his face that seemed genuine but I didn't want to fall for his façade.

"I-I don't know the gender."

"I think you're having a girl; she's going to be gorgeous just like her mommy" I suddenly felt so increasingly nauseous. I turned back to the coffee machine that had finally finished. I pulled the mug off the tray and grabbed a packet of sugar. "I hope one day I'll have a baby" the sentence should have been innocent and maybe he meant it in an innocent way, but it made me feel so uncomfortable. "You taking maternity leave, Demi?"

"Yeah, I'm taking 6 months off. I should get this to Mark" I took the mug and turned to leave the break room but I was stopped as Elliot wrapped his hand around my wrist.

"You going to Denise's leaving party next week?"

"Erm, yeah. I-I think so" his eyes burnt into mine.

"Me too, I'll see you there" I nodded, sent him a tiny smile and then headed from the break room. I released a breath of relief as I headed down towards Mark's office.


"Please, Riss. We can make it into a girls night out. Denise says that it's fine for you to come."

"Well, I can't turn down a night out with my bestie."

"I love you" she giggled as I locked her in a hug.

"Of course you love me when I'm agreeing with you" I rolled my eyes as she loudly laughed. "Not that I wouldn't agree with you, your hormones are a bit crazy lately" I lightly hit her on the arm. "How is the little spud anyway?"

"Perfect. We had a check-up today; we had a 3D scan and they look so much like Odell" she widely smiled as I pulled up the scan photos on my phone and slid it towards her.

 We had a check-up today; we had a 3D scan and they look so much like Odell" she widely smiled as I pulled up the scan photos on my phone and slid it towards her

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"Oh my god, this is adorable" I smiled as she gushed over the photos. "This baby is going to be so stinking cute. Have you decided on a name yet?"

"Yeah, we have a boy's name and a girl's name picked out but we're not telling anyone. We want it to be a surprise for everyone."

"I still think they're a girl."

"So do I" the smile on her face widened.

"Is Lani still excited and everything?"

"She's so excited. It's honestly cute how excited she is" I took my phone back from her and smiled down at the sonogram. "I've been spending a lot of time over at Heather's. I get a lot of cuddles from Lani and she's always kissing my belly. She was freaked when she first felt the baby kick, she loves it now though. She's excited to have a little play buddy."

"I'm so happy for you, Demi. I really am" the front door opened a moment later and I widely smiled as Odell stepped into the living room as he removed his jacket. Cleo pushed herself up from the floor and headed for Odell, her tail wagging in her excitement. He gave Cleo a fuss and then leant to kiss me.

"Marissa's agreed to go to Denise's party next week."

"Baby, I said that I'd come with you."

"But I know that you didn't want too" he ever so slightly smiled. "Now you don't have too" he gave me another kiss.

"Make sure you look after her, okay?" I rolled my eyes as he turned to Marissa who nodded with a smile.

"I promise."


Dad: Hi Demi. Hope everything's okay? Sorry I haven't been in contact for a while, life has just been so hectic.

"Baby, you okay?" I nodded, turning to Odell who slid into bed beside me. Odell is now home from Chicago. I'm so glad to finally have him home. Everything feels complete now that I wake up next to him every morning.

"Yeah, my dad's just messaged."

"What does he want?" I locked my phone and turned to lower it onto the nightstand. I relaxed back against the pillows, my fingers caressing my belly as I sighed.

"He's just asking if everything's okay" Odell rolled to face me and I smiled as he began to trace patterns on my belly. "I don't know why he suddenly cares though. He hasn't contacted me since Christmas" Odell pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"You don't need him, Baby."

"I know that, it's just I wish he was more involved. I wish that I could trust him. I wish he could love me like he used too."

"You know that I'm going to love this baby, right? I'm never going to let them down. I'm never going to let either of you down. I'll be there for the both of you, no matter what life throws at us" I could feel myself beginning to get choked up. "You can count on me, Dem. For the rest of our lives."

"I love you" he leant in to kiss me. "And you can count on me too, for everything" his lips spread into a smile against mine. I've never been happier. I don't think anything could ruin this.


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