Twenty Five

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I stepped through the door of Starbucks, glancing around until I found Marissa sat in a corner booth. I headed to get myself a coffee and then I took a seat opposite her.

"Hey Babe."

"Hi" I settled my drink onto the table.

"How are you? How's the boyfriend?" I rolled my eyes as her eyebrows wriggled and a smirk settled on her face. I couldn't stop myself from blushing though. Odell's my boyfriend.

"Good" her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes playfully narrowed in on me as I stared down at the table. It was obvious to her that the question she asked had me blushing hard.

"Why you blushing so hard?"

"We-We kinda..." she was staring at me with raised eyebrows and a very impatient look on her face. "We had sex" I whispered in fear of people sat around hearing my confession. It obviously took a moment for the words to sink in because her reaction was delayed but when it had obviously sunk in, she squealed causing the entire Starbucks to fall quiet, every single person turning to stare at us. "Marissa, stop" I leant over the table to hit her, flashing the room full of people an apologetic smile as she finally fell quiet. I dropped back in the booth, my cheeks burning hotter. I was thankful when everyone seemed to go back to their own conversations, going back to ignoring us.

"Okay, tell me everything" she slid around in the booth so that she was sat next to me and not opposite. "How was he? Was it good? Is he big? I can imagine..." I clamped my hand over her mouth as she began to grow louder in her excitement.

"You've never been good at keeping quiet" her eyes rolled as I finally removed my hand from her mouth. Her eyebrows raised and a smirk played on her lips as she waited for me to answer her questions. I sighed as I turned myself slightly more to face her. "It was amazing. I was sore but I suppose that's normal" Marissa nodded, remaining quiet so I could continue. "He made me feel so special too. I don't think I've ever felt so loved either. And he's big, like..." I held my hands out in front of me so that she could visualise. Another squeal slipped from her lips so I clamped my hand back over her mouth.

"Shit girl, you get that d" I rolled my eyes as she smirked, nudging me in the side.

"I-I also told him that I love him."

"Did he say it back?" I nodded, blushing hard as a wide smile spread across her face. She threw herself at me, her arms wrapping tightly around my neck.

"I'm so happy for you" I'm so happy for me too.


"DEMI" I was surprised when I pulled open my front door and Lani threw herself at me.

"Hi Sweetie" she giggled as I bent down to wrap my arms around her and I gave her a tight squeeze.

"I'm sorry that she's here, my mom got called into work" I pulled away from Lani and glanced up at Odell with a smile and a shake of my head. He stepped into my house and slipped out of his shoes and jacket. "Her bedtime is 8 so we have the rest of the night to ourselves" the smile on my face widened.

"I brought dollies" I turned my attention back to Lani. I ran my fingers delicately through her light curls.

"We shall play dollies then" she squealed her excitement and then turned to Odell, pulling the backpack from his hands. "You can go into the living room, Honey. Delly and I will be through in just a moment" she nodded as I pointed to the living room door. I lightly laughed as she ran off into the living room, trailing the backpack along the floor behind her. Odell wrapped his arms around me and I smiled as I glanced up at him. "Hi" I giggled as he leant down to press a peck to my lips.

"I'm really sorry that she's here."

"It's fine. I love that little girl so I don't mind" he pressed another quick peck to my lips.

"You ready to spend your evening playing dollies?"

"So ready" he laughed again before removing his arms from around me. I headed into the living room with Odell following behind me. I lightly laughed at Lani who had already pulled her dolls from her backpack and was lining them up on the couch. "I didn't realise so many dolls could fit into one little bag" I glanced back at Odell who laughed and lightly kissed my temple. My voice caught Lani's attention.

"You have doggy?" she pointed at the photo frame that sat on the table by the couch. It was a photo of 5 year old me with a German Shepherd.

"I used to when I was little" I took a seat on the couch and Lani settled herself on my lap. I smiled as I cuddled into her.

"I want doggy but mommy said no."

"He was my best friend. I got him when I was 3."

"I 3 too. I get doggy now" I lightly laughed as I kissed her temple. "You get new doggy and I look after it" my lips twitched into a smile at her innocence. She turned to me with puppy eyes.

"I'd love to get a new doggy, Lani, and I'm sure you would look after it" I glanced up at Odell who had a wide smile spread across his face. His eyes met mine and his smile just widened.

"I hungry" Lani glanced to Odell, chewing lightly on her nails.

"What do you want, Princess?" she shrugged her shoulders as she leant back against my chest.

"Do you like chicken nuggets? I think I have some in the freezer that you can have?"

"Yeah, they my favourite" I lightly nudged her off my lap.

"Shall we go and have a look what else I've got?" she nodded, sliding her hand into mine as I pushed myself up from the couch. I guided Lani into the kitchen with Odell following behind me so that we could grab Lani some dinner.


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