The moon?

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(Y/n) was laying out on the roof of the academy just watching the sunset on the horizon of buildings. She let out a long sigh of peace. She didn't get to just sit back and enjoy the little things that often since she was usually busy. Either with school, "fighting crime", or being with her friends.

So getting to admire the sky was a rare occurrence. She lay on her back, arms behind her head, propping it up so she could see the sky.

As the sunsets, it turned from yellow to pink to a deep purple, and soon it turns black, the moon slowly coming into view. Sadly there were no stars, but when you live in the city there are almost never stars, so she was used to it.

Five had been searching for her all afternoon, he never thought he would find her on the roof. It wasn't until Klaus actually informed him of this information when it clicked.

He quickly teleported to the top of the academy to him her laying down watching the moon rise to the sky. He slowly walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder. Her body made a small jolt at the sudden contact. She quickly looked straight up, her (e/c) eyes meeting Fives green ones.

"Did I scare you?" Five chuckled.

"Hehe... yeah," she said smiling. Five made his way next to her and sat down.

"What are we doing up here?" He asked looking at her confused. At this point the moon was high in the sky, shining down on them.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" She said ignoring his question. Five looked at her wide-eyed, his mouth hanging open a bit. She looked at him nervously, quietly hoping he didn't understand what she said, but due to his facial expression

he did.

He then smirked and brought his hand up to her cheek and slowly brought her face close to his.

"I love you too (y/n)." He said, smirking as he removed his hand from her cheek.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen as she gasped quietly, Five only smirked as neither of their faces left. reality sank in and she smiled, bringing her hand to his cheek. She drew her fingers down his sharp jawline to under his chin, only teasing him.

"Well, then~" she started, moving only a little bit closer, just enough for Five to take it as an invitation. But before he could connect their lips she pulled her face away.

"I'm glad you feel the same~," she said, with a wicked smirk on her face. Five pouted a bit.

"Come on that's not fair~," he said, still pouting as he scooted closer bringing his facing close to her again.

"If there's something you want, you should just ask, Fivey~" She cooed in his ear.

"Teasing me, are you~"


"Well in that case-" he cut himself off by grabbing her waist and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. (Y/n) was caught off guard but quickly kissed back, just as passionate. Before Five could take it a set further (y/n) pulled away. Five pouted once again, and (y/n) giggled at his reaction.

"You are such a little tease tonight~"

"It's a gift~," she said smugly before getting up and walking back into the academy.

"That little..." Five mumbled under his breath before he laid down and stared up at the sky. He finally got the girl he cared most about.

(ooo~ flirty (y/n)~ btw Idk if it wasn't already clear- yall weren't dating yet- 😀
Also I NEED MORE REQUEST/IDEAS! Please I'm running out of ideas!)

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