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Exciting I thought when we were given an assignment at a dentition center. It was a detected curse there and possibly a special grade. Scary I thought.

Me, Megumi, Nobara, and Itadori were standing there getting lectured about if we see a special grade run. Of course, I and Itadori asked since we were new, but who wouldn't?

Before Placing a veil around us to conceal us from the citizens, we heard screaming at the entrance. We all looked towards the woman who was distraught that her son was still in there. Sadly, we ignored her and carried forward into our mission.

Inside the building was very eerie as we approached it and we were all cautious.

"Alright!" Megumi summons his divine dogs. "If they are any curses my dog will know!" He Exclaimed. "Right!" We all said in unison as we ran along the halls of the building.

"Stop!" Megumi put his hand in front of us as we stopped behind him.

"Huh? What the hell is up with you?" Nobara asked. Her hands were on her hips.

"We are in a domain look around you," Megumi said. He pointed his fingers to the building.

"Wait! Have we trapped or something Megumi?!" Itadori stuttered that I and Nobara freeze up. "Stop that!" You shouted as you bawled your fist against your hips, not wanting to be afraid.

"It's okay, None of you panic." The dogs were by Megumi's side as he kneeled and petted them. "My divine dogs can sniff any threats so we are safe." As he got up and moved closer inside the building, we did too.

"Oh my God!" I yelped out. There were human bodies mutilated with each other. It was sick and twisted, I wanted to throw up but I can't since I had to remain strong.

"Look over there!" Itadori pointed to a body that had a name tag of Tadashi, the woman's son who was screaming outside the gates earlier. "We should bring the body back it's only the right thing to think." Itadori pleaded but Megumi refused.

"Why? It would be for her to not feel so bad about her deceased son." Itadori retorted back at Megumi.

Megumi placed his hand on Megumi's shoulder and pointed at his name tag as well as his uniform. "He is a detainee Itadori he hit a child on his second offense without a driving license. That is why he is here in this hole you have to understand Itadori." He takes his hand off his shoulder.

"You can't also have proper deaths for people besides what happens when you save someone who hurts innocent people? " Megumi now facing Itadori. "WHY did you save me then?" Itadori replied.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Nobara screamed as I was beside her. CRACK. The floor under Me and Nobara cracked, which a curse dragged us both down. AHHHHH.. our voices echoed underneath the ground. THUD. That was the sound of our bodies.

Megumi was confused on why his divine dogs didn't since the threat. "Megumi ?" Itadori said. Now There was a pause between the two as they both faced each other. Looking at each other they couldn't move their bodies because it was immobilized.

HISSSS they heard the sound as they slowly turned their heads around to be faced with the curse, a special one.

Launching their attacks on them didn't work, so Megumi fled the area to find Us meanwhile Itadori was handling the Special grade.

"Nobara the fuck are these things?!!!" I said. THUD! One of the mask creatures hit me against the wall as I was trying to unleash my attack. " I DON'T KNOW JUST FIGHT!" Nobara said as she was down to her last breath.

"Right!" Running towards them, the masks started to pull apart making duplicates of themselves. Using my ink pen I tried to launch numerous ink but it didn't since it ran out of fluids. Shit.
I was thrown against the floor again.

"HEY! Pick yourself up or you'll get taken advantage of (Y/N)!" Nobara screamed.

One of the curses grabs ahold of Nobara's legs as she insults them. RIBBIT. A frog's long tongue grabbed ahold of her and me as we were near our last breathe.

"I hate Frogs!" Nobara said. "Thanks!" I said. "We must get out of here," Megumi said ignoring our replies. Heading outside his divine dogs started to Howl.

"Megumi why are your dogs howling?" I asked. We were finally outside the building but without Itadori. I was worried.
"It's a signal for Itadori." "Huh??" I didn't know what that meant but It's probably not a good thing, I sensed. He was still in there. Something was up and something wasn't right.

(A/N: At this point I'm skipping most episodes because we alright knows what happens. Time skip on to the next chapters, if anyone gonna be confused! This is were the real action is going to happen if anyone is okay with that!)

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