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After all the missions we have been through and the sorcerers I have met: Maki, Panda, and Toge. Then the opposing side Aka sister school with Mai, Miwa, and Momo, Todo, Mechmaru.

It was pretty shitty to say that our smile started to fade little by little everyday just like our happiness. The curses we defeated were getting more stronger everyday so my question was were we getting weaker? Were i the one getting Weaker? No I couldn't be. at least I hope so

Anyways I were so glad Gojo and Namani were very welcoming me into this school and the other high ups too. I felt a sense of satisfaction but .......

Before all this happened I still had many questions that I have not received an answer too. My thoughts started to run rampant that I couldn't get out of my head.

Where is my best friend Dai up to? I've been calling him for a while but he hasn't been picking on my calls. Why did my Dad leave me and my mom alone? Am I strong enough to fight special grades? I couldn't stop these thoughts no matter If I were surrounded by people or not. My insecurities were gaining up on me and I did not want "this" side to show.

"(Y/N)?" Itadori caught me off guard when I was zoning out in the middle of training.

Itadori was pretty down after what had happened to junpei. He died after he gotten into a battle with mahito. That sick fucking bastard. If only I could meet him again.

WACK the sound of Maki's stick hit me in the back of the head. I rubbed my temple and blushed because of the embarrassment I felt, getting whacked in the head in front of Itadori.

"If you get distracted that easily you won't be strong enough to fight. Again." Maki firmly said. She was a strong woman who I admired and Nobara too. No wonder those two got along, they must be really "close" I thought. "Yes ma'am!" I shouted.

I re positioned myself on Maki's order and started to train again this time giving me all. I didn't let my "thoughts" get to me.

"I wondered what (Y/N) is distracted with." Panda says as he rubbed his chin. "Tuna Tuna Tuna." Toge responds by nodding his head in agreement. "(Y/N) just like that." Nobara stated.

Upon the recent training today I were tired. I headed back to the dorms to get some rest. Opening the door , i plumbed on my bed and laid my head down on my pillow crossing my arms on top of my stomach. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Pieces of glass flew everywhere as the glass shards laid across my dorm room floor. A shadowy figure quickly jumped through my window in a dark hoodie. The figure was much taller than me around 6 foot in height as I were 7 inches shorter.

"What the fuck!" I said as I was clenching my chest; my heart was beating very badly. I leaped out of bed with my (fav color) pajamas and slipped on my black uniform shoes. I

I whipped out my pen and drew one of my ink blobs. I directed it towards the figure SPLATTER ATTACK I shouted.

The figure unrevealed his hood quickly as possible after my attack was cast.



Everything in the room and the buildings down were destroyed. Smoke, ashes, and debris fell in the night sky as the roof was blown out too. It was silent for a while.

I was hurt too by the blast but not as hurt as seeing my best friend right before me.

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