Oneshot: Yuji x Reader

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In middle school, I lived a normal life going to school having friends and trying to get my life together. But of course, strange things started to take effect around this time...I didn't pay attention to it.

(A/N: This time in your life is where (Y/N) started to develop their abilities but didn't come until later on. )

"Y/N!" A boy with pinkish hair called out to me.

It was Yuji Itadori. We have known each other since middle school but not as long as me and Dai. We knew each other since we were kids. Anyway, I have admired him so much. Well, I loved him and couldn't confess my feelings towards him because I was scared of being rejected. But today I wanted to change that and give it a chance making sure I tell him during lunch, I thought.

The bell rings for math class... my worst period of them all. We all scrambled to our seats before class started.
"Now today class we will be reviewing percents for this week's test. I hope you all reviewed for it." The teacher scornfully said as she looked at me writing on the board. I was bad at math and she knew it.

"Now can anyone tell me what is 52 percent out of 210 is?" The teacher said as she scans the room for any hands. "No one answering? Fine then time to pull out the sticks!" She pulled out a bucket of sticks with our names on it and drew mines.

"Shit," I said. "(Y/N)! Now back to the question, she inches closer to my desk and leaned in closer. What is 52 percent out of 210?" The whole class turned around even Yuji to see if I would answer. My breathing started to run rapid and I felt like my chest was about to pop. The glares of the other students started to get to me as my hands start shaking.

"I -I- think it is -"

"SENSAI!" The loud voice threw me and her off guard as Yuji was holding his hand in the air. "I got to go potty!"
The class erupted with laughter. "YUJI!" The teacher redirected her attention to him.

"How many times do I need to tell you to wait your turn! Plus you are in middle school not elementary it's the restroom, not POTTY!?" She scorned him.
"Sorry, but I had to go wiz teach!" He replied.
The class started to laugh again and the bell rang for lunch.

"Ugh... class dismissed and go to lunch! Make sure to study too!" The teacher said as the student collected their belongings rushing out the door.
Yuji turned around with a smile and winked right at me.

Thank God for that, I was saved.

During lunch, I invited Yuji to come on the rooftop to eat with me. Up there we found a place and ate at the benches sitting close together.

Yuji stuffed bread in his mouth as I sipped my chocolate milk silently. "Y-Yuji........." I stuttered.

"Hmm?" His gaze shifted to me. "Thank you for what you did back there." I clasped my hands together in my lap. "You know how embarrassing it would be if I did answer," I said putting my hands between my knees.

"Oh, Yuji swallowed his bread, "Oi I knew you suck at math, I do too!" He chuckled. "I can tell by how you failed your other test... like how you got a 35?" He questioned. "SHH!" Yuji pouted and I covered my lips with his hands. He blushed when I did that.

"Yuji I like you. No, I love you." I stood up in front of him inching closer towards him, gazing at his brown eyes. "Do you feel the same way like girlfriend and boyfriend?!" I exclaimed and blushed profusely. Then there was a brief moment of silence.

"Sorry I only like you as a friend no hard feelings (Y/N)." My eyes started to cheer up. I knew this was going to happen. Why did I even think about opening my mouth?! This is so embarrassing my God.

"But!" Yuji propped up off the bench and came in front of me. "I love you as one of the greatest friends I could have! I don't know "those" feelings yet because we are young but I adore you! I'm happy you were honest with my (Y/N)!" At least I know how you feel about me." Yuji's face blushed all around and his smile started to show.

Immediately I hugged him and he did too pulling each other tight. He took me by my side and grabbed my hands together.

"I love you forever! So maybe wait for me?"

Jujutsu Kaisen  x Reader Where stories live. Discover now