Oneshot: Jujutsu kaisen students X reader

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In the training fields at school, I was accompanied by Maki, Panda, Toge, and Yuta. All of them practice their daily skills.

Panda spots (Y/N) and approaches me. "(Y/N) we are about to train some more want next round?" He said as he points back at the others. "Yes!" I saluted my hands to him with my cheery smile.

"Who am I facing?" I flapped my arms in excitement. "Maki." My face turned sour when I heard her name. As I and Panda were coming closer to Maki, she was off with Toge and Yuta.

"Toge!" Maki pointed her staff at him, "Fight me without your abilities, I wanna see your strength." She asserted when dashing towards him with her weapon. Maki swiftly moves her staff around him as she counters his attacks.

She thrashes him on the ground with her staff, toge falls back, and places one foot on top of him. Toge was sweating profusely. "Tuna...Tuna... S-Salmon." He gives up and passes out. "NEXT!"

Maki directed her weapon toward Yuta motioning him at her. "Right back at you," Yuta said pulling at his sword and rushing right in front of her.

Both of their weapons collide as each looks at each other face to face. Jumping back from each other they both took a swung and fought.

I, Panda, and now awaken Toge watches as Yuta and Maki spare with one another. Until suddenly I hear a buzzing sound coming from my pocket. I reached in there and held my phone in my hand trying to identify the caller. It was Mom.

My eyes lit up when I answered the call. "MOM!"
(Y/N) answers. "(Y/N) it's been a while since I last heard your voice. How had you been? What's the school like? Made any new friends?" CLACK CLACK
(Y/N) heard ice clacking from the other line indicating that their Mom is drinking again.

(Y/N) blushed with embarrassment since it was sad seeing her like this, ever since Dad has passed. (A/N * Yes even if you are darker tone, you blush. Everyone does)

(Y/N) rubbed their hands through their (h/c) hair. "Mom you drinking again and for what?" I was so concerned for her. (Y/N) clenched their free hand and the other holding the phone. "I thought you would never again....." (Y/N) voice trailed off but was interrupted by loud crashing sounds in the back.

(Y/N) quickly turned around and saw Maki thrown on the ground by Yuta, with his katana. The force of Him, his weapon, and cursed energy did that. He was really powerful maybe even more than Maki.

"Crap I'm next." I gulped, "Eh what was that?" Your mom said as you were still on the phone. "N-nothing to worry about just physical training but Mom I'm happy." (Y/N) I'm happy for you but I'm just so sad and lonely right now. I missed when you were around and here, to be honest. Being here by myself just feel off with you and your ...Father."

"Oh, Mom... I-" I stammered my speech. Toge and Panda looked over-concerned and both clasped my shoulders. "(Y/N) sweetie it's fine, Hahahaha I'm good just down in a little sad town. I'll be fine when you get here." She sighs and takes a big gulp out of her drink, tapping the glass with her fingers.

You missed your Mother so much. Her voice, personality, smile, and presence; you couldn't know why you left her without saying I love you.

"Mom I will come and visit you today, so stay right there!" You turned your head and saw Maki and Yuta pointing their weapons at each other's throats. "After this round with my classmates, I promise I will be there! I just need permission from the higher-ups, okay? Wait for me Mom."

All you heard was giggles from her as she muttered, "Okay." "MOM wait!" You yelled into the phone.

"(Y/N) what the hell?" "I love you! Okay bye!"
You hung up The phone when your cheeks started turning red. On the other side where you hung up the phone, your Mom looked at the phone and smiled. "(Y/N) I have always loved you too."

Jujutsu Kaisen  x Reader Where stories live. Discover now