Thirteen(Pt 2)

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It was even too long until I dashed out of my house. As tears flowed down my face as I was fucking upset that my only loved ones died before me. Even though I was sad, another emotion came out of me: Merciless Rage.

Every step I took running back at the academy I screamed my lungs out to the others. Alarming them Geto is back but then I reached the place as it was abandoned. Oh yeah, I forgot those happy memories were all before this happened.

I was hallucinating so bad that I thought everything was normal again and thought my friends were Alive. In the dark, I saw no light. I reopened my eyes and cried because none of this was real except mom. I stood up and faced Dai who wasn't Dai yet in his fighting position in front of Sukuna.

Him, devilish smirking to kill us all, and Megumi injured himself running to the scene, as he nodded at us. We gestured the same expression back at him. Everyone was gone but that did not mean I was not giving it. "YOU READY?!" I barked loudly.

If the villains took everything from me I will make sure I do the same thing to them.
"Ink Parade!" (Y/N) splattered out their ink in the pen causing blots to fall on the ground. "AHHH."
Then (Y/N) stabbed their wrist with the ink pen that resulted in blood being mixed with it. It caused the ink to come to life forming ink figures to rise from the ground.

Megumi summoned "Bansho" (Max Elephant: Releases water the trunk that stems a lot of curse energy on the user.)
As it engulfed large amounts of water to be sprayed out of its trunk, Dai called 3 of his fox beast in the battle.

Meanwhile, Sukuna was cracking his knuckles and pushed back his strawberry hair. "ATTACK!"
I said all 3 of us charging at Sukuna at different angles. I'm in the front, Dai at the right, and Megumi at the left.

My cursed ink technique formed lifeless creatures that took on the form of figures, and I then pointed at Sukuna to attack him. Megumi's cursed technique uses up the energy that lets him create anything from that technique. Allowing him control over users like that elephant that sprays water out of his trunk. Dai on the other hand has the same ability as Megumi but his users have a mind of their own. Only if they are not being controlled by Dai.

All three of us launching our attacks all at Sukuna at the same time raised a brow on him. He was quite surprised, especially Megumi who was looking at it. But that didn't Satisfy him, because in mid-battle he disappeared and popped right beside Dai.

Slashing his forearms so he couldn't attack anymore. Blood surges out of His arms as he bleeds out and screams in agony. "AHHHHHHHHHHH"

I and Megumi examined each other as we saw what was happening. No matter how bloody we had to end this. We both ignored Dai and stuck together running beside each other with our attacks ready. "Now!" I directed my hand at Sukuna so my ink creatures can surge huge amounts of liquid at him. To swallow him up and explode when they have him.

Making the attack Sukuna was caught off guard and swallowed while at it. My eyes grew big as I mounted did we get him? I thought as I was circling him. Megumi was near me just in case he comes back. Nothing happened for the next few minutes. We both examined the huge blob that swallowed him.

We approached cautiously and stood there for a moment until "Domain Expansion: Malevolent shrine." " Oh, Shit-

We were in his domain which seemed to be a traditional Japanese infrastructure and statues of himself. "(Y/N) stay alert!" Megumi hollered to me on the other side. We were both separated by glass doors he had in place. "Now the fun is about to start." Sukuna laughed at us taking a step down from his throne. Walking towards us (Y/N) paced their steps backward when Sukuna was pacing forwards. Close to me, he flicked my head and I have launched away from Megumi.

"Uh! (Y/N)!" Sukuna reluctantly looks back at him as Megumi was forming an attack. Going at full Speed Megumi uttered "Demon Dog- before his speech was cut off by Sukuna's hand grasping his mouth. Megumi struggles to unclench his arms and Sukuna lifts his chin to look at him.

"Out of my Way!" Sukuna snickered before slamming Megumi's face in the dirt. Stepping over him it was Dai who was now facing him. Before that Dai's left arm was off but his right hand summoned the dogs. Of course, it was still leaking and bloody. His guard dogs were already in a position he attacked Sukuna. During this, he took both of the dogs and pierced holes into them.

Dai was dazed at his ability to kill off his technique but he wasn't surprised since this was Sukuna: King of curses. Dai gave up.

When he looked at me on the floor when I was at my limit. He approached Sukuna and said to me, "Sorry (Y/N) I wasn't strong enough to live a life I was supposed to have." Sukuna mercilessly kills Dai after his happiest memories flash before his eyes. His greatest one was with you.

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