Oneshot: Gojo x Nanami x Reader

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After the phone call and getting your ass kicked by Yuta and Maki, of course, you headed down to the office.
(Y/N) knocked on the door waiting for a response, again. I placed my hands on my hips as I waited there patiently for someone. I couldn't take it anymore.

I pounded on the door furiously yelling, "GOJO NANAMI SENSAI! OPEN UP!"

The door flew open as I saw An angered Nanami who looked down at me. He was only 6 inches taller than me so I see why. "Nanami!" I overjoyed and hugged him. He let me.

His eyes brows furrowed and let out a huge sigh putting his index finger on his forehead.
"(Y/N) what do you need?" "To be let in!"
You looked up at him who you were still hugging. We were both still in the doorway until Nanami let me in; this is when I let him go.

The place was nice, clean, and felt peaceful well until Gojo came around. Man ass child. "(Y/N)!" Gojo waved at me as he was sitting on the couch. "Gojo!" I rushed towards him hugging him as he did the same. "What brings you here?" He asked.

Nanami walked over to his chair and sat in it. Pulling out his favorite newspaper and read it, crossing his legs ignoring our conversation.

"I wanted permission to leave this campus for a day or two, Gojo SENSAI." I bowed my head down in respect. "Please I want to visit my Mom I want to see her again." Gojo placed his hands onto my shoulders and tapped my chin up to him, meeting his eyes.

"You don't go to me for that, it's Yaga for that stuff." He laughed at me as my lips turned upward. Like I said for a 29-year-old grown man, he is more childish than anybody here! Even Yuji! I wonder how urahime deals with him.. she probably doesn't."

"Fine!" I lifted my head and turned around to the door. "Let's go meet him then."

"Yo" Gojo casually said to Yaga as we made it to the place. He was so tired of his bullshit. "Hmm, I deserve more respect than that Gojo. I am a higher up." He firmly said. "I don't want to." Gojo eyes beamed. "Anyways (Y/N) wants permission to leave campus, right?" He looked at me as I stepped forward of Yaga.

"Please sir," I bowed, "I need to see my Mother." "I can see your request. Why didn't you tell me this sooner? I do believe in family first after all it's very important to me." Yaga answered.

I popped my head up quickly and screamed In joy. Then I covered my hands because I was too loud. "Sorry." All Yaga did was smirk and Nodded. I happily hugged him and Gojo before I dashed off the school grounds. "I'll see you guys soon!"

Running off the school grounds felt like freedom. Looking around the sister buildings I was going to miss it after a while but not right now. Going along the passageway was so fun because I saw so many people out today. Stores, local shops, cars, gardens, children, parents just things, in general, were in line and good for me. I quicken my pace as I was getting closer to my neighborhood. I was there.

I entered my home as I reached the door. Good thing I had a spare key in my pocket and reached in there to fish it out. Inserting it I pushed the door open and called for Mom. "MOM!" I shouted with glee. I walked the first floors until I reached around the corner when my heart had dropped.

She was dead. Her whole head was decapitated as her body was right next to her. Blood ushering out from every angle that you could imagine. "(Y/N)......" I heard a voice call out to me as footsteps came closer to me. My eyes were widened with shock as I covered my hands over my mouth.

It was Dai, no, Dai but cursed. He wasn't like himself. Had the same mark as Geto who was possessed by that spirit. "(Y/N) take care of yourself." He tilted his body forward and fell face-first on the ground. Blood leaked out of his head and dropping a knife from his hand. It was official that Dai was forced to kill my Mother but who did it?

Why?! WHAT DID SHE DO? Why was SHE the target not ME? She didn't do anything WHY HER WHAT DID SHE DESERVES THIS! THEY SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN ME NOT mom...

I tumbled and whimpered on the floor with my eyes burrowed in my face. My body shook as I was still in shock. My legs touched the cold blood of my mother and brothers.

"This is what happens when missions aren't complete." A man's voice triumph over my cries as I saw him appearing on the back of my couch.

The curse that took over Dead my father had died that night.

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