Oneshot: Nobara x reader

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(Y/N) and Nobara went shopping in Shibuya on the day off away from the missions. People were crowded up together, had shopping bags in their hands, and cheerful smiles on their faces. No wonder why nobara liked this place.

"This way!" Nobara said pointing in the opposite direction and she grabs my hand pulling me away from everyone. "Woah-
Bypassing others Nobara pushed them out the way to get to her favorite store. "We are here!" Nobara stopped in her tracks and I bumped alongside her shoulders. She turned to me and said, "Let's go in!" I mean I didn't hesitate I just went it because she said so.

We saw a lot of colorful outfits, shoes, and cute accessories but the problem was it was expensive.

"109.70 Yen (A/N: 100 =USD) for a band tee?!" You screamed because you were shocked at the price. You never had to pay this much for clothes because your clothes were hand-me-downs from your moms. Yet they fitted you perfectly.

"Yeah this store is expensive but it's worth it. Especially those cute purses and shoes!" Nobara squealed with joy rumbling through all the clothing.

"Of course..." My voice trailed off because there is no way I am paying that much for a shirt. Nobara may be because of her oblivion to fashion but not me. I placed the shirt back where it came from.

"I'm putting this back and I'll window shop instead." "PSTTT Broke-
A girl's voice said in the back of the clothing rack.

"Huh?" I and Nobara were startled by them. "You heard me broke bitches." The girl came from behind us with her Chanel bag and Gucci shoes, flexing it on us. "You need some money? Look everyone they can't afford a BAND TEE!"

The snobbish girl shouted drawing attention from others to us. "Who the hell is you BITCH?!"

I shouted raising my hands to smack her but Nobara pulled it down. I gave her a confused look.
"Not like that, (Y/N)!" Nobara hushed me.

"See?" She replied crossing her arms. The girl inched closer to me, "Even your Gorilla-

WABAM! Nobara punched the girl in her face tumbling her to the ground. "Like that!" She clenched her fists. The crowd gasped as they saw her get rocked by Nobara and I squealed with joy. "Nobara! That was amazing, I thought you were not going to do this!" I was perplexed at the moment.

"Of course when a bitch deserves it! Fuck her." Nobara gestured her thumb pointing to her.
"Now let's leave before we get caught." Again she grabbed my hand and dashed out the door. Leaving our bags on the floor and the security guards there too.

Running as fast as we could, away from the center we stopped. Nobara found a bench for us to sit on and we did. "Nobara, thanks for that," I said looking at her in the face. "For what?" She replied. "For punching that bitch in the face! You are awesome for that and I adore you for it!" You gleamed with joy shaking my fists up and down.

"What's all that for? You too!" She punched my shoulder. "You were about to smack slap her ass off just for her coming towards you. Please you may be worse than me at least I think before I act." Nobara laughing her ass. I blushed at the thought of what I did.

Nobara placed her hand on my shoulder. "Hey that's not a bad thing, she soften up, "She almost called me a gorilla because she thought I was violent." "Well that's what everyone thinks what I am and that's me of course but I don't care what anyone thinks so fuck it," Nobara mumbled.

"Hell yeah! Nobara this is why I like you, you a bad as bitch!" "Thanks, babe." She blushed as she pushed her hair behind her ear. Nobara then turned her attention towards me and sat up off the bench.

"Anyways let's go back to the academy before they miss us too much." Nobara started walking away from me and I got up too, following after her.

I leaned towards her with my question, "You must love them?" I said placing my hands behind my back. Nobara turned to face me. "Yeah, You too (Y/N)." We both smiled and walked back together.

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