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Heavy Footsteps echoed across the hall when they reached my room. "This way!" They reached my room.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL." Nobara roared as she opened the door and stood there in shock. Megumi and Itadori followed right behind her tumbling over each other. My room was half obliterated and covered in ashes. At least on the window side where a huge hole was at.

"Quick find (Y/N) (she/he) could be missing," Megumi demanded. Running out of building, others scattered outside to find me.

"DAI WHAT THE HELL! AHHH!" I screamed.

We both were on top of one of the school buildings outside the dorms. It was dark and windy outside as we were fighting each other. After the blast, Dai went ahead and pushed me outside while he chased me across the fields. My foot was stomping on the ground as I was running as fast as I could. Because Dai was catching up to me; he was a good runner.

"HUFF HUFF HUFF." I was running out of breath as he was appearing more and more closer to getting me. Dai trying to reach me he gripped the back of my neck. "AHHHH." I winched in pain as his muscular hands were suffocating me.

I pushed him off of me as I kept moving forward. As I keep striding near the edge of the building.

"AH-" I said.

I accidentally slipped off the gutters on the rooftop as I fell to the ground. "Ouch...," I fumbled down on the ground then I looked down and licked my bloody knee. Thank God the buildings weren't that high.

Still, Dai was up there and he jumped down appearing in front of me. I quickly jumped up on my feet. The dude was athletic.

Knowing it was Dark outside he had the full advantage of any attack since my abilities work better in daylight.

He swung his fist at my face giving me a bruise. "OFT- You bastard I can't believe you touched my face!" I sneered.

"HA, HA, HA I Don't feel bad about it either." Dai rummaged his hand through his hair as he had placed his hand on his hip. Dai snickered as he pulled out a whistle.

I slid back away from him as I didn't know what we're going to happen. My eyes were widened with shock as he blew into it. The sounds were very harmonious and light, unlike his persona. "What is he doing?" I pondered. I whipped out my pen as It charged up my cursed energy.

A green aura appeared around his whistle and his entire body. Summoning a green dog that looked ferocious he launched the creature at me. I moved out the way as the animal still was trying to kill me. Still having my pen in hand I was unable to attack.


the dog hissed moving his attack at me again. "YAH!" I said as I punched the beast in the jaw where it bit my hand. My fists were bloody from the attack.

"Shit." This was bad, one more bite and I'm done for. The pain was getting to me but that didn't stop me.

"Alright, you bitch." I aimed my pen at the fox. "BOMB BONYAGE!~" I screamed at the tops of my lungs exerting huge amounts of cursed energy into it. My ink fired ink bombs at the dog exploding enormous ink everywhere. The ink shot at the dog making it roll over on the ground.

"ARRRRRRR"... The dog whimpered in defeat unable to get up anymore. Sweat was dripping from my forehead and I quickly wiped it off. "Tch." I put my hands on my hips and with my shoulders centered looking back at Dai, who was just standing there.


"Look again!" He chuckled.



I heard the sound of another dog as I turned my head sluggishly. Another beast appeared out of nowhere, "how did I not see this coming?"  it was even bigger than this other one before.

I curled my hand over my face as I flinched.


A nail was embedded into the dog making it tumble to the ground.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw the others. "GUYS!" I rejoiced. Tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Miss us?" It was Nobara with her hammer and nails. She twirled her hammer and smile in response.

"(Y/N) You're not alone," Itadori said. "We always got your back!"

"Mhmm. " Megumi replied, as he a faint smile. "You ready (y/n)?" He stood in his position charging up his energy and the others did too.

"Right!" I wiped tears off my face with my (fav color) pajamas. Tilting my head back and clenching my fist. "Ready."

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