Chapter four

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All of us walked to the cars, Ibuki drove a black summit jeep and I owned a black Ferrari. My car was a gift from the Chief Lion the moment I turned sixteen, ever since then I haven't driven any other car besides mine, he also gifted me with a motorcycle that I use occasionally. I got in the drivers seat allowing Free to open the back seat door for Louis, I started the car and watched as everyone else piled into the jeep.

Soon Free got in the passengers seat, I gave Ibuki a small nod to let him know we were ready to leave. It was only noon but I was already tired of doing my job. Ibuki backed out of the parking lot, and getting back on the main road. I followed and no words were spoken amongst the three of us for a short time.

Until I saw Free look in the rear view mirror with a strange look in his eyes, that's when Louis spoke up, "Were you just looking at me like your next meal, Free?" His question was simple and yet so demanding.

Free looked away from the mirror shaking his head slightly, "No, boss."

I got a glimpse of Louis face from the mirror as well, it was of pure annoyance and power. When I heard the cock of a gun I looked straight ahead following Ibuki back to the hideout, "Do it again, I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your head."

Gripping the steering wheel tighter I refrained from rolling my eyes at his threat, Free didn't say anything part of him knew what the deer was saying wasn't false. I drew in a deep breath doing my best to not say anything to the deer.


Everyone had gone back into the hideout as Ibuki and I stayed back to park our cars in the garage. I sat in my car for a moment longer thinking silently to myself, I needed to get out of here for a little. As far as I knew there was nothing more to do here. I exited the car Ibuki leaving his at the same time, "Everything alright on the way back?" he asked me as we walked to the entrance together.

"He pulled a gun on Free." I said causally as I opened the door stepping in the building holding it for Ibuki.

"Any reason?" He question, the two of us walked side by side into the hideout until we made it to the first flight of stairs.

"Free looked at him in a weird way, I guess." From what I've learned, Free gives everyone looks no matter who they were, he lived by his own rules in life and no one could change that about him. "There's nothing else to do today is there?" I questioned. Ibuki shook his head giving me the answer I had already assumed, "In that case, I need time for myself only for the rest of the day."

Ibuki nodded at my plans for the day, "I understand that," he said as walking silently.

"Just call me if anything comes up, okay?" I asked, he gave me a reassuring nod.

"(Y/n), I just wanted to say how proud I am of you, you've been holding up pretty well." Ibuki told me with a kind tone, I couldn't give an answer just a small smile as I looked over to him.


For the past few months I haven't been very motivated to leave this place for even a day, I'd normally go out every day to just drive around the city or go to new restaurants. But since Louis became our boss those times have been short lived for a reason I can not place.

I had just finished putting some things in my bag before letting one strap rest on my shoulder as I grabbed my car keys. Walking down the steps I came across Free and Agata chatting about the events earlier that day, "The bastard pulled a gun on me." He laughed. I walked over once they say me instantly wondering why I was out of uniform, "Glad to see you're going out again." Free smiled.

I nodded slightly at his comment, "I'll be back later tonight." I told the both of them, "Let me know if anything interesting happens."

"Do either of you know why we were at a school today?" Agata asked before I had the chance to walk away.

I shrugged, "He was probably drooling out." I told them, they found that the most reasonable answer, "I'll see you two later." Both of them have a small grunt as my goodbye and I made my way to the first floor preparing to leave.


I drove into the city, I had my music loud enough to make my car vibrate from the bass. This was how I liked it, I enjoyed being alone at times left to do what I wanted. The first place I stopped was in the central park right in the heart of the city, I enjoyed the lake view and the numerous people out enjoying the day.

The sun was at its highest point by now, after walking further into the park I eventually sat down under a tree by the small pond. And for longer than I anticipated I just sat there watching as the sun reflected of the water, it was a beautiful sight something I didn't have the time to realize or care about. This was nice, being able to have my head clear and a few short hours to myself.


She's so uptight about everything, Louis thought as he sat in his bed that faced the balcony he shot the Chief Lion on. The sun shone through the balcony lighting up his room with beautiful sun rays. His mind was brought back to what he had previously been thinking about, the human.

He found it odd a person as delicate as a human running around with a gang like this, Louis realized people could say the exact same about him. Although he couldn't help but think that there was so much more to why she was here, everyone has a story but most won't talk about it. That wasn't all he was thinking about, now he was thinking about how much of a horrible person she probably is.

Watching people similar to her kind sacrificed for the pleasure of an old lion and the fact she helped them kidnap herbivores angered him further more. Louis stood from his spot on the bed needing to lose those thoughts, there was nothing he could do to change it. But even when he first met her, Louis never got a good vibe from her. The way she looks at him in the rear view mirror, the way she gripped the starring wheel in the car, and most of all the way she carries herself. So prideful and superior but all she is, is a human. Without this gang (Y/n) could have made something of her life but never did, the question was why.

"Boss?" Ibuki asked stepping in the room, he had a kind expression on his face.

Louis head turned to him in a rather quick manner, Ibuki had startled him Louis didn't even hear his footsteps, "You're meant to knock first, Ibuki." He told him fixing his posture while doing so.

The lion nodded, "My apologies boss, but I have come to tell you that (Y/n) had something's  to take care of, so if you need a ride anywhere please ask me." Ibuki informed him of the small change.

Louis could only offer a questionable look, "Where has she gone?" he asked.

"(Y/n) needed some time to herself for a bit, she's been having a rough time with some things." He answered Louis.

The deer thought once again for a moment, what problems does she have? She has all she needs right here. "Alright." Louis said.

Ibuki looked around the room trying to find something to talk about, "(Y/n)'s a very kind girl if you get to know her." he finally said.

"Why should we get to know each other?" Louis demanded, he had the smallest trust in Ibuki but why would the lion mention a potential relationship with her?

The lion shrugged a bit, "It was only a thought, boss." Ibuki said respectfully.

Louis drew in a deep breath seeing that Ibuki was just trying to be nice to him, "I'll consider it." Louis informed Ibuki, in all honestly he didn't really want to interact with her. But with (y/n) being his driver it was hard not to, if they met on different circumstance Louis was sure they could have gotten along well.


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