Chapter thirteen

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A week had gone by since then, Louis had not seen Legosi since.

That day he was informed of a very important business partner that would be joining them for dinner that night, once again (y/n) didn't show up to the meeting. Louis understood why, he was well aware of what she did last night. She told him that she would be going on a drive that night, (y/n) insisted he'd stay there so he could get rest. He thought about her for the rest of the night she claimed that she needed to get her head clear and driving was the best way to do that.

Bringing his attention back to what was being said he listened as more information was given out on who they were meeting tonight, "His names Jasper, he's a hyena and has played a very big part in our market." Ibuki informed everyone in the matter, "For the past years he's been one of our many high quality meat providers, he has requested to re-negotiate the terms of our deal." Ibuki finished then not long after Ibuki was excused by Louis.


He stood before he door now debating whether to go in or know, it was noon now and she hadn't exited her room yet. Louis decided on a small knock, after a few moments of waiting her heard her approaching the door hearing the lock click as to open it. He couldn't help but let a smile escape as her jacket was off on shoulder and a hair bush in the other,  "I did not mean to sleep in so late." (Y/n) said turning leaving the door open for him, Louis took that as an invitation to come in. Now he had just realized he'd never been inside her room before, it was just as big as his.

Louis watched from afar as she brushed through he hair violently the sounds it made was enough to make him shudder, he heard small complaints as she began to bush harder on her hair trying to get rid of the tangled from sleep, "You'll damage your hair if brush it like that." Louis commented as he walked over to her his hands in his pockets.

"It's fine." (Y/n) insisted as she continued to brush harder until she felt a hand gently grab her wrist.

Louis couldn't stand the sound anymore, "I'll do it." he is it's taking the brush from her hand, Louis didn't know exactly what he was doing given he hadn't done this before, he just simply did what she had been doing just with a more gentle touch. Now he saw it, the small knot she made a huge fuss about. After a few moments it was out of her hair, out of curtesy he brushed through the rest of her hair with gentle motions as he did so.

He continued this until he could run his fingers through her hair without knots stopping the flow, "There." Louis commented as he placed the brush on her desk, he began to think too hard on what he just did, she probably thinks I'm weird.

"Thank you." She said, her voice was so delicate it made him grin a tiny bit.

Louis stood in front of her now leaning on the desk, "Where did you go last night? You look very tired." He informed her as he studied her face noticing a small scar on the right side of her forehead, Louis reached a hand out to touch it just to occupy himself.

(Y/n) didn't move away from his gesture, "I just needed to think." she told him. "I didn't know who to talk to." (y/n) said as she looked up at him, he made eye contact with her then.

"You could have talked to me." Louis assures her, he hadn't realized it but his hand had moved down around her jawline. He didn't make a move to take his hand away, it felt right.

She gave a smile, "I didn't want to bother you." (y/n) said not looking away from him, I thought how. funny it was that I'd normally never let anyone touch me or let alone give me a hug but now I was letting Louis touch my face examine something I was unaware of.

"Boss? Are you in here-" Ibuki stooped upon seeing the two of them, where they-. Ibuki was snapped out of his thoughts at seeing Louis back up from (y/n) removing his hand from her face.

"Need something, Ibuki?" Louis questioned, he noticed that (y/n) backed up a bit as well.

"Oh, yes. It concerns our guest tonight." Ibuki informed Louis, "May I speak with you in private?"

Louis nodded his head following Ibuki out of the room after excusing himself from (y/n). After they had left I made up my mind that I really did need to get better sleep and attend more meetings.

Louis and Ibuki walked in silence half way there, Louis could help but believe Ibuki had read the situation wrong, "It wasn't what it look like," the pair continued walking to his office, "Just a scar on her head."

The moment they reached Louis office he questioned what this was about, Ibuki tired to think of the best way to put this, "Well, the man we're meeting tonight has a strange obsession with (y/n)." Ibuki began, "I know you two are," Ibuki pauses for the smallest second, "close and I'm worried about her safety tonight, boss."

"They've met before?" Louis wondered receiving a nod from the lion, "We'll keep an eye on her tonight."


That night everyone had been seated at the table, the hyena was seated across from Louis after he introduced himself. His name was Jasper, Louis and him made eye contact as the conversed over minor things trying to find some similarities about each other. I was still seated next to Louis, occasionally I'd look over at him. I couldn't help but feel the slightest on edge. Given I had met this hyena before he always seemed too touchy to me and no matter what business we had he was always doing his best to speak with me.

"What have you come here to discuss?" Louis asked Jasper who was in a nicely fitted suit.

Jasper began to speak, "Well as you know I've been faithful to my word I made several years ago to the former boss, I've donated the meat from my market here. It's not cheap to have high quality meat sent here as you know," the whole time the both of them kept eye contact with one another, "Due to that I've been losing more money than I can spare for your sake. I want to be given a fair share, I won't ask for much."

Louis nodded nearly at every point he made, "We are all grateful for you providing this market with high quality meat, and the customers are even more thankful, believe me. So, what kind of price are you wanting to set?" Louis questioned, he was hoping it wasn't as much as any other business partner would ask.

"Back where I live, it gets lonely. My men are hardly there and quiet frankly," Jasper stopped for a moment laughing a bit to himself, "they're very boring. I want someone there who can talk and keep a conversation going, I want someone who can be whatever I want them to be," He made eye contact with Louis now, "I want her." Jasper finally said gesturing over to (y/n), he heard protests from around the table from the lions until Louis ordered them to stop, "It's only fair, a life for a life." The hyena gave a cocky grin.

Ibuki was right, Louis couldn't help but feel angered by his request. He tried to stay calm, "Members aren't for sale, especially not her she's way too valuable to this gang." Louis informed him.

The hyena looked over at (y/n) she seemed unbothered by his stare, "If you give me her, you won't have to pay for this meat as long as you're the head of the Shishigumi. Hell, I'll even buy her."

Louis shook his head slightly feeling more and more angry by the second, "Like I said, I won't give you any members." Especially not, her.

Jasper scoffed, "Boy, you don't know what you're losing if you deny my request."

Louis stifled a chuckle, did he really think I'd give up someone who means so much to me? "I may not, but I know what I'm keeping."


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