Chapter Forty-eight

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Louis knew he'd never move on from you at least that was what he always thought, but the night he saw you in the market seeing how much better you looked and seeing you again with the that man whose name was Melon. He only knew this because Louis would admit he often went into the black market more often since then, half of the time just for the memories and the aura of it all but a couple hundred times he'd run into you again with Melon. The two of you were always talking and laughing with one another, once before Louis always had a jealousy of him ever since he met him when Louis took you to the doctor. But over time the jealousy faded away, the more he say you with him the more hopeful he was. Louis wasn't totally sure how you saw the gazelle, a friend, business partner, acquaintance, lover? He didn't know, but the months went on the days grew warmer he stopped returning to the market, he attended college, because he knew there was someone there to fill your void that he painfully left you with.

He knew he would never find someone to take your place no matter what became of his life, you had a special place in his heart and he never once thought of replacing you. It was strange, any normal person would have felt betrayed by now. But he was glad Louis was happy for you, for your success and the fact you were doing better. You seemed to carry yourself differently, he didn't know what it was at the time but the difference was visible even as he only glanced at you when he would see you in the market.

The last thing he wanted was to get in the way of your happiness. Louis knew from the moment he met you all he did was cause constant pain for you, he took your place as boss, killed the lion who raised you, threw off the traditions of the black market, and was constantly cruel to you up until those last few months he spent there. Louis thought more on that for a while, he'd done a lot of messed up things in his life, such as putting those down so he could rise above them, he counted every single horrible thing he'd done in his life and considered how he made every person in his life feel. Yet the worst thing Louis ever recalled doing, was leaving you.

Louis stopped attempting to call her after that, he stopped constantly wondering about her, he stopped looking in the direction of the black market. But no matter what, Louis was fully aware that he still contained and undying love for her. That would never change, but for the time being Louis decided to step back for a while and let you live your life just as he planned to live his, he'd been so worked up about everything always thinking about the promises he had broken and the people he had hurt. He finally decided to focus on the i front of him, he decided to continue living it even if you weren't there with him. He admired you, how strong and independent you were, and suddenly he realized he had never been one of those things in his life. Louis depended on everyone in his life always laying his life in their hands when he thought it was in his own, he was controlled by nearly everyone around him where as you never let one person control your life. You had cut of ties with those who hoped to bring you down, something Louis would try so desperately to do at times.

He loved you dearly and you were probably one of his biggest role models at this point, he wanted to have the same carelessness and devotion like you did. If anything he would strive to be like you, he realized how much he loved about about and that it wasn't only in a romantic away. He valued you and valued your existence, he never once had someone who impacted his life as much as you did. For that he wanted to thank you.


As time moved on you seemed to have forgotten what had occurred in the black market, you forgot about the time when you believed you saw Louis in the black market. That seemed to be a memory that failed to occur in you daily life now. You took Free's advice, you'd try and move on for the time being. Not from Louis but the fact that every waking moment of your life you worried about him and constantly wondered if he moved on or if he was dead. You did your very best everyday to accept the fact that maybe you wouldn't revive a call from him or see him on the news of those congratulating him for becoming a Beastar, even though you knew it wasn't what he wanted that seemed likely. He told you how he needed to turn back to his normal life and continue the next chapters of his life without the Shishigumi in it, for the longest time you never understood. At the time you thought it was selfish, you hated the fact he was okay leaving them here and most of all leaving you here. However you understood and saw it from an outsiders point of view, this was not a good place for him and you noticed that every day he was here from the start. Oppose to you, you had been raised here and grown to love this lifestyle, after some time you had no desire to become successful in the outside world. You didn't care what those people thought of you, if anything you knew deep down that they wouldn't accept you and not because you were worth nothing but simply because those people had different perspectives, they were raised differently.

But while you where here you knew you were worth something, you deserved the love you got everyday, you deserved the respect you received after working so hard for it. Those resident in the black market knew what if was like, and knew how much it must have taken for you to get there and you appreciated them dearly for that. There were two different worlds, worlds that could and shouldn't truly be reunited with on another. That's what took you so long to understand, there had once been a time when you wanted everyone to live in unity but, in a messed up world like this it would never happen it was nearly impossible. Changing the traditions of those who had grown so used to it wouldn't do any good, it would only force those out of what they are used to and make them become someone else. That much you knew, with this knowledge it caused the black market to excel.

All your life you were afraid you weren't worth anything you always thought everything you did was never enough for people, but your peers helped you realize that what you did impacted everyone for the better. You were no longer the girl who would dream of the stars but now you would reach for them, now you would chase after whatever you desire most in your life. You've realized your worth so what would you do with it, there were so many things you've wanted to do in your life but you never contained the desire to do so.

You knew now you could do anything you've ever wanted, without anyone stopping you. The people you've met in you life have helped you get to where you are now, to have the realizations you are having now. Every person you have met has taught you something. Free taught you how to let things go and how to be careless in all the right ways, Ibuki taught you patience, The Chief Lion taught you that you didn't need to be what everyone wanted you to be despite that fact it may have never been his goal. The most important lesson you learned was from Louis, he taught you that you were worth something. He taught you how to love and accept the hardest things in life.

Due to the knowledge you carried from examining the life of those inside the market and outside, personal experience, and realization you knew what had to be done to change things hopefully for the better. After speaking with so many people you knew that maybe this wasn't what you were meant to do, that maybe you were destined for something else in this life and you just haven't found it yet.

With that, you resigned as boss. Handing the Shishigumi over to Melon.


Be looking for Book 2 yall 🏃‍♀️💨

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