Chapter seven

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Louis still wore his suit when I met him at the front entrance at 7:00pm like he asked of me, by now everyone knew that the both of us were going out that night. I was thankful I only wore black dress pants and a mesh sleeve top with a blank tank top under followed by a coat. The normal dress code was a black suit and tie but I was the only acception as long as I looked presentable.  "Boss," I greeted opening the front door allowing him out before me.

"(Y/n)." he thanked with a head nod as we walked over to my car that I had brought out before he was ready to leave. I opened the passenger seat for him making sure he had everything he needed.

I get into the drivers seat feeling partly awkward due to this situation, "What bar do you want to go to, boss?" I asked politely, it didn't take him long to slightly look over at me before averting his eyes again. I waited for an answer from the deer.

"Somewhere not too far away," Louis finally said as he leaned back into his seat outing his head on a proped fist, "Any place you know?." Louis told me as he looked out the window for a moment.

I nodded, "There's a place here that's pretty good." I told informed him, Louis gave a nod and I took that as a signal to begin driving to the destination.


"How long have you been a member of the Shishigumi?" Louis asked me as he stared at his fourth shot of vodka he hasn't even drank, I struggled a laugh as I could see him start to act a little funny but quickly try and stop it.

I thought on his question already agreeing not to tell the truth, "Uh, two years." I lied.

Louis nodded slightly as if he wasn't paying attention, "And you're how old?" He questioned as he continued to swirl the drink inside the small cup deciding whether to drink it or not.

"Eighteen." I told him, I was being truthful with that answer.

"So," Louis stopped closing his eyes for a moment acting as if this were more than a simple math question, I couldn't help but laugh a bit as he still had his eyes closed thinking of the answer. Louis looked at the human now, he wished he didn't take more than one shot but he didn't want her to think he's never taken a shot before. Louis was her boss, sure he is young for the position but they're the same age and she can handle a shot better than he can. "What's funny?" He questioned her as he tried to act the smallest bit sober. I pressed my lips together looking away before insisting it was nothing, "Mhm, so you were sixteen when you joined this gang, right?" I nodded at his question. "Do you have an education?" Louis asked looking over at her now.

I wasn't expecting a question like that, "I did homeschooling then I ended up graduating," I answered I remember how much I hated it but thankfully to the program I used I was able to graduate a year early.

Louis nodded with every word I spoke to him, "Did you have a job, before?" he wondered finally setting down the cup giving my half his attention.

I nodded, "I was a intern at this one company," Louis nodded as his mind continued to wonder about pointless things. "Do you need to go back? You look really out of it." I admitted to him as he snapped back to reality.

Even now Louis still hated people having pity on him, "No, I'm fine." He said looking to me full on now he squinted his eyes slightly, "Where were you last night?" He asked me.

I was dumbfounded for a small bit until I realized what he was talking about, "I forgot," I told him.

Louis was still watching me, he could already tell I was lying about forgetting, "Okay," he said as he still watched me.

Feeling the slightest bit awkward I decided to question him on something, "You said you wanted to get to know each other, right?" I asked, Louis nodded. "So far you've just asked me questions." I informed him.

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