Chapter thirty-two

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The very next day, (y/n) carried on with what she had done yesterday and that was the location of her suspect of the missing ivory. She had been parked behind a building close to the location, this place we located outside of the market and to her didn't seem all that sketchy. It was a physiology place for elephants, that's one of the main reason why this was a suspected place. And yet she still had zero knowledge of who owned this place or even if this place deserved to be investigated. As a human, (y/n) could not go into this place due to the fact it specialized in only elephants.

She waited for nearly two hours, waiting for anyone else to leave this place so far there were only two elephants going in and yet none were exiting. (Y/n) needed to keep in mind that this was a safe place for elephants to express themselves and talk to a professional and that a process like that would take a few hours. I sighed heavily as I started to believe that maybe I had caught a wrong lead and that there was nothing suspicious even going on in that place.

After another sigh of defeat I began to put my care in drive, pulling out of the parking lot I was parked at until I saw a somewhat familiar pair of antlers exiting the building. I had to squint in order to make sure I was seeing this correctly, he looked like the doctor Louis had taken me to, he was still wearing that mask although it made sense due to the fact he worked at a hospital and was a, physiologist? I frowned then, when we met he seemed like a genuinely kind person. A wave of guilt flooded over me as I realized I had been suspecting a man who helped me.

I pulled out of the parking lot fully before driving the same direction which happened to be heading to the black market, I avoided any contacts and didn't bother to look that way in a send I felt somewhat stupid for all of this.


"You talked with her, right?" Ibuki asked Louis as they were seated in a booth at a bar, he nodded, "What did she say?" he asked once more badly picking at his food before him.

Louis shrugged, "She said that the guy was threatening her, although she wouldn't say why she was even there," Louis picked up on Ibuki not eating he venison at this point Ibuki eating deer meat didn't even bother him, after all Louis was also eating one of his favorite meals, "I think I've upset her though." he mentioned taking a sip of the celery soup.

Ibuki didn't disagree with his statement, "She needed to know that it wasn't right, I'm glad she only heard from you and not anyone else." he said to the deer across from him, Louis made a understanding expression.

"No one else besides Free, you and I know, right?" He asked. Ibuki nodded at his question, "Good, let's keep it that way."

Ibuki sipped a bit at his water, "Of course."

Louis then watched as Ibuki only at the roasted broccoli from his plate, "Ibuki?" Louis asked leaning back in his chair with a grin on his face, Ibuki looked over at him, "You've barley touched your food." Louis started.

"Oh, I'm not that hungry." Ibuki said even though Louis could see it was a clear lie.

"You don't need to hold back eating venison in front of me, trust me I could care less. After all, I'm eating something I normally wouldn't in front of you." Louis mentioned giving a reassuring smile, with that and a few more words exchanged between the two Ibuki seemed to act more comfortable about this situation therefore began to eat smaller pieces of the meat and then almost finishing the whole thing all while Louis took thoughtful sips of his soup.


"So, you did kill him?" Free asked (y/n) for the billionth time as he was seated on one of the couches in her room, she looked up at him a slightly bored and an annoying look shining through her eyes. Free tried to laugh it off, as of now she was still guilt tripping herself for making the doctor a suspect.

I let out a heavy sighed making it more dramatic than it should be to allow Free to know I was over the conversation all before looking back down at the field looking over them to make sure I didn't miss a single thing, "Well?" he asked quietly with a joking look on his face, in all honesty Free truly did enjoy annoying her at times, he had to admit that it was funny.

Now she gave him a half joking glare, "Free, I am so over this subject." she said with a harshness in her tone before averting her eyes back to the files turning another page in it.

Free held his hands up in defense, "Alright, alright." he finally payed of messing round with her, "One question," she didn't look up at him that time just tried to ignore his ongoing questions, "what do the boss say?" As of now, Free needed to act as if him and Louis were closer than they led on and a good way to cover that was to continue calling Louis boss.

She continued to read the file further more,"Just told me not to do it again." I informed him with a small grin on my face finding it funny the way I worded it.

Nodding Free continued to speak, "He just told you not to do it again?" Free asked her allowing a small laugh to be let out of his mouth. She nodded, "Where is he anyways?" he asked another question.

"Somewhere with Ibuki, I believe." I made my best guess before and turned yet another page finding nothing she hadn't already read over before.

Free noticed the more upset tone she carried when he brought up Louis, going against the clear uninterested look in her face Free decided to bring it up, "Is everything okay between you and the boss?" He asked her preparing himself for her to show attitude.

And yet she only nodded still having the uninterested look on her face, "I thought I found something new in the case," she mentioned changing the subject and flipping back to the previous page, "but, I was wrong."

He noticed the sudden change but this seemed more intriguing to him, "How do you know?" Free wondered.

She shrugged a bit squinting her eyes at the rather small print of word, "I could just tell."


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