Chapter thirty-three

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That night they went on patrol, Louis and (y/n) still partly avoided one another due to their conversation the previous night. Her main reason for attending patrol that night was to see if she could find anything suspicious that may come up, specifically regarding the ivory case. Even as they walked through main streets in the market, (y/n) didn't see anything suspicious which brought slight dismay to her conscious. As of now all she wanted to do was for this whole ordeal to need, she had to admit that it continued to stress her out constantly, so this case finally being solved would bring some peace to her and the Shishigumi, they've been losing far more money than normal due to no more ivory being submitted into the most popular business.

Before (y/n) was even able to believe that nothing would be out of the ordinary that night the same pair of gazelle antlers caught her gaze once more. Without even thinking on it she left her spot next to Ibuki who took notice of this. Ever since Ibuki found out about the live stock's leaders murder, he's been keeping a very close eye on her. As she departed from the group hoping to go unnoticed Ibuki gave a subtle nudge to Louis gesturing to her absence.

I filled the gazelle wondering why a kind person like him would even be in a place like this, she was aware of other herbivores being present here but she couldn't help but feel like that man was out of place here. Maybe he had yet another job? He walked into a bar, the one the Shishigumi would as be caught in. At this point I debated whether or not to leave, he may have taken notice of her following him every place he looked she just so happened to be located there. (Y/n) took a seat at the bar deciding this whole following situation wouldn't go to a lost cause, as always the friendly bartender greeted her and already had a whiskey place before her.

She drank it thoughtfully thinking that just maybe she was being somewhat of a weirdo following around someone who most likely had nothing to do with what she was investigating. That all was until he took a seat beside her his whit mask still on, "It's rare that I ever see my patients outside of the clinic." He said with a kind tone turning his body to her, I looked over at him now.

I gave a kind smile to him taking notice that I still remembered the friendly doctor from the emergency room, "Is that so?" I asked the man seated next to me.

He chuckled a bit, "How are your injuries?" he wondered riding from the bartender after he asked me this question, I took notice that he ordered the same thing I did.

I shrugged a bit and took another sip of the whiskey, "It's getting better." I said studying him subtly.

"That's good to hear." The gazelle said as he too took a long look at his whiskey, the mask being the only thing stopping him from using it. "And that deer?" he asked with an untouchable smile, "Your boyfriend, is it?"

I smiled a bit a bashful one I hated to admit, "We aren't dating." I lied, or maybe it wasn't a lie. At this point I had no idea what we were.

"Hmm," he had a doubtful look in his eyes, "I didn't mean to assume." he informed me and gave a small apology, I noticed at times his voice would be higher or deeper at times.

She shrugged it off, "It's alright." (y/n) assured him and for a second there she almost asked him why he was there but the gazelle beat her to it.

"If I may ask, why are you here?"

I thought on his question for a moment, "Well I normally wouldn't just tell anyone this but you'll most likely find out anyway," it was true if he saw me surrounded by lions and a single deer he'd know that the rumors were true, "I'm a member of the Shishigumi."

The gazelle nodded then with a small gleam in his eyes, "I thought so." he admitted to the human beside her, "I've heard rumors about the Shishigumi, strange they allow a deer as boss." he. commented, "Not only that I've also heard the rumors between you and the deer, that's why I mentioned it."

Once again she couldn't help but allow another embarrassed look on her face so, how many people have assume there was something between her and Louis? Either way they weren't wrong, there was definitely something there, "Oh, I was hardly aware of that." I lied doing my best to brush it off as a minor mention. Quickly after realizing he had no intent of saying more I opened my mouth to say something, "What's your name?" I asked kindly.



"You didn't see where she went?" Louis asked quietly as he watched the lions beside Ibuki gang up on the Madaragumi silently hoping they wouldn't embarrass him.

The older lion shook his head all while watching the scene before the two of them, "I want to say I saw her walk into a bar," Ibuki paused for a moment before continuing, "It seemed as if she had been following someone."

That last sentence caught Louis attention, he turned his body towards Ibuki looking up at him which cause the lion to lean down a bit slowly, "Really? Which bar?" The deer asked, Ibuki mentioned that it was the one the whole Shishigumi would normally go to, Louis nodded at that, "Make sure they don't get too into this." Louis said leaving the lion to watch after the others, as Louis walked the crowds gathered around the fight moved for him cheering the Shishigumi's name.


"(Y/n), even though I'm sure you already know that." I mentioned given the fact that I needed to tell this gazelle my name in the clinic, he nodded at that.

The two of them continued to chatter amounts themselves Melon's mask remains on his face the whole time and (y/n) still couldn't help but wonder why he was wearing it, but refused to ask him. The only thing she could do was come up with answers inside of her own mind, "And what is your position in the Shishigumi," the question came up after she had brought up the lions a few times, it was obvious that Melon was more interested in her than the lions.

Once again I found myself shrugging a bit, "Occasionally make deals, second hand to the boss." I sighed a bit resting my head in my palm my thoughts set on Louis, "Nothing too important."

She earned a laugh from the gazelle at that, "Second hand to the boss? Yeah, that doesn't seem too important." He commented sarcastically. I found myself letting out a gentle laugh at that, once again we continued to converse about many other things but most of them consisted of his questions about me being in a gang.

The night was going well until a familiar voice called out to me from my left, "(Y/n)." Louis said making his presence known to the two of us. I couldn't hide the slight embarrassed lion on my face not because of him but because of the fact that I left the group to follow after someone I hardly knew, "Sorry to interrupt but, we need to leave." Louis informed the gazelle giving him a look neither of us could place, it was obvious that Louis recognized the gazelle from the clinic.

I gently allowed my finger to circle the top rim of my glass, "Why? Something wrong?" I asked him slightly annoyed with his behavior.

Louis spoke quieter to me then, "(Y/n), I'm not asking you to leave with me. I'm telling you to do so." he informed me.

I turned to Melon then as he was witnessing this whole ordeal, "My apologies but as you see there is something clearly important to my boss at the moment." I said half sarcastically allowing my attitude to shine through, I heard an annoyed sigh from Louis and smiled to myself.

"No problem, maybe I'll see you around." The gazelle answered understanding completely.

With that I rose from my seat at the bar leaving a twenty on the counter before turning my back to leave not bothering to wait on Louis.

Louis watched her leave and gave one last look to the staring gazelle before he too turned his back and followed right after slight anger shining through his features, why was she even here? He asked himself as he followed her out of the door.


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