Chapter twenty-six

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She arrived home late, later than she had intended to. (Y/n) noticed that nearly all of the lights were off except a few lamps that were normally always on. She quietly made her way to the top floor limping as she did so, soon enough the pain was nearly too much but (y/n) continued to make her way to her bedroom she had everything that she needed in there.

It had taken her much longer than usual to reach the top floor but thankfully she had gotten to her bedroom door, when she opened it everything was how she left it. (Y/n) closed the door quietly turning on a lamp by the doorway, she dropped her coat on the floor not caring where it really landed any blood on it should have dried by now.

I winced as the pain got worse having to stop in the middle of the room then I debated whether or not I should just sit there and do nothing about it. But I pressed on walking to the desk I opened a drawer taking out a first aid kit and a bottle of vodka. After that I went into the bathroom.

She slowly began to removed the belt and then her pants in order to access the gun shot wound better, she lifted one leg into the tub in her bathroom opening the first aid kit she got out tweezers that were made for removing bullets. (Y/n) made sure to sanitize the tweezers before preparing to get out the bullet.

It didn't take long to locate it, she had finally gotten it out placing it on the sink counter. Now it was time for the hard part (y/n) grabbed the bottle of vodka opening it she took in a deep breath and was ready to make an attempt at cleaning it, "(Y/n)?" A gentle voiced asked.

I put the bottle down in the infilled tin my eyes looking over to who was at the door, it was Louis. I hastily got up from my seat on the side out the tub finding some random shorts that were on the ground. I winced as part of the fabric grazed the gunshot wound. "Shit." I muttered before quickly trying to close the bathroom door wincing once more as I did so. But by then he already saw my movement and walked over I wasn't fast enough.

"(Y/n) where were you? Are you alright?" He asked her then his face suddenly dropped when he finally laid eyes on her, "Oh my god." Louis said in a hushed tone rushing over to her, "What happened?!" He demanded taking her right arm over his shoulder quitting her to a spare cushioned seat in the bathroom. The moment she sat down he squatted in front of her looking at her, "What happened?" he asked more gently when he saw all of the developing bruises and already made scratches that were covered in dried blood. She couldn't answer him, he noticed that she was covering a spot on her thigh with her left hand. Louis looked at her and yet she still wouldn't meet his eyes, he slowly reached his hand out to her face making sure not to touch anything that would hurt he, Louis lifted her face to look at him, "Are you okay?" he asked softly.

She nodded slightly now she was meeting his eyes, "I need to clean this though." (Y/n) told him making an effort to stand but he had to stop her, while she was trying to stand he saw the gunshot wound.

Louis did his best not to freak her out by making a big deal about it, "Let me." he offered standing up looking around the bathroom he saw that she already had a first aid kit out and he saw the bottle of vodka waiting in the tub. He grabbed the first aid kit rummaging through it for some rubbing alcohol, "Did you already get the bullet out?" he asked squatting back down in front of her, she nodded. Finally he found the bottle of rubbing alcohol, "I'm going to have to use this, vodka won't do anything but sting." Louis said opening it he looked up at her, "This is going to hurt, (y/n)." he informed her, she only nodded once more signaling that she was ready for it to be over. "Okay," he said quietly before grabbing a towel to set under her thigh so it he wouldn't get it everywhere.

He already saw that she wasn't looking at it, so he told her when he was going to pour the alcohol on it. Very quickly he splashed it over her thigh allowing it to clean out the wound to prevent infection, Louis felt bad as he saw her shut her eyes tight due to the pain that it had caused. He hadn't realized it but she was gripping onto one of his hands, Louis got a cotton bad out of the kit gently dabbing of the excess. The next thing he got out where the bandages covering the gunshot that thankfully hadn't gone all the way through and wrapped a bandage all the way around it several times.

Now Louis had to work on her face, he stood up grabbing a wash clothe wetting it with a towel and dabbing the dried blood from her face until it eventually was all gone, then he noticed how there was dried blood on her face and neck that wasn't from any open wounds, he tried not to think much on it. After that he covered the big gash on her the side of her forehead with a bandage. "You look tired." Louis commented.

"I am." She said quietly wearing a gently smile on her face in attempt to reassure him about this whole ordeal.

"Let me help you." Louis said taking her right arm over his should helping her walk to the bed, once she was seated on it he went into one of her drawers finding a shirt for her to change into due to the other one being covered in blood. Louis walked back to where she was handing it to her before turning his back allowing her to change. He turned around then after hearing an okay from her, Louis offered a sorrow filled smile at her. She did her best to return a kind smile , "You should get some sleep, (y/n)." Louis suggest walking over to her gently holding her hand.

(Y/n) nodded at his suggestion before looking up at him, "Louis?" she asked hesitantly. He gave a small hum letting her know that she had his attention, "Please, don't tell anyone about this."


He had given her some pain killers so she could at least get some sleep, Louis didn't pry at her to tell him what happened. Right now she only needed someone to depend on and take care of her for the time being. Louis sat down on her bed sitting beside her until she finally fell asleep, now he was sitting on a couch in her room. He did want to risk accidentally hurting her in his sleep so he decided to just spend the night off of her bed, Louis was laying down on t looking up at he ceiling he began to yawn although he didn't feel the slightest bit tired.

He was more worried for her than ever now, he didn't know what had happened but all he knew was that she was hurt and that there was blood on her that wasn't hers. Louis couldn't decide if it was gang related or something she needed to deal with on her own. Louis sat up ten and he turned his head looking over at her sleeping form breathing lightly now Louis began to constantly sit up and look over at her to double check that she was alright.

Soon he looked away from her and continued to stare out the window thinking more to himself, he continued to hold one of the pillows on the couch for a some what reassuring feeling even though it truly didn't do the trick. Louis thought back to one of the last things she said to him before she went to sleep, Please, don't tell anyone. (Y/n) explained to him that she didn't want anyone to know about this and insisted that she would feel better by morning and continue on with work. Louis of course protested against her decision, not only was he very concerned for her health but she simply could hide a limp all day let alone even walk on her left leg for a few days.

After nearly an hour of quietly thinking to himself Louis began to feel his eyes grow heavier, it was around 4am now. After one last look at (y/n) to make sure she was alright Louis decided that he should get some rest as well.


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