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Louis was now in his own bedroom after she asked him to leave, that was the first time she's actually called him 'boss' in a very long time. He knew what he said to her but Louis knew for a fact that he did not mean it like that, he wasn't suggesting their relationship. Now I feel stupid. He was staring up at the ceiling as all of the thoughts of what had just happened wouldn't dare to leave his mind. Louis simply couldn't tell if she genuinely thought that was what he meant or if she was only trying to get back at him for everything he said. Now he was fully aware that he shouldn't even made this a big deal now he sees where that's got him, Louis would know better now, he wouldn't give empty threats. Especially not to (Y/n).

He turned on his side feeling bad for what he said, it was strange. Normally the moment he apologized to someone which was a rare occasion they always accepted it and acted as nothing happened. But (Y/n) was not giving him that satisfaction not even a little bit and now he shut felt awful for making her think that way.


The next day was rather slow, Louis struggled to read through even more files feeling the stress wash over him with every page he turned. The worst part was that (y/n) ignored him the whole day and even when they crossed paths and she was either with Free or Sabu (y/n) only gave a simple nod uttering the word 'boss' as a greeting before not even offering him a second glance.

I was in the middle or organizing files for the billionth time that month when my phone buzzed in my back pocket, the rest of the lions apart from Free had gone out to get drinks. Louis also stayed here and locked himself away in his office. I stood up from the desk drawer reached back to grab my phone with a tired look on my face knowing well that I did not get a good nights sleep. Upon looking on it I saw that wolfs number with a simple, 'hi'

I'm guessing you want to speak with him? I set the phone back down on the desk and continued to rearrange the files getting rid of one we no longer needed and putting them in alphabetical order and then my phone buzzed once more.

'Yes, I'm sorry to keep bothering you.'

This wolf apologized too much I repeated in my head before replying, I'll see what I can do.

Now the harder part came, I was standing at Louis office door hearing pages flip on the other side. I knocked two times, "Come in." Louis said with a dull tone, I opened the door wearing a bored expression.

Louis mod seemed to lighten a bit from what I could see, maybe he was thinking that she was there to forget about the whole formalities. But he was wrong and he realized this when she started to speak to him, "Your friend still wants to meet with you, boss. What should I tell him." I asked leaning on the doorway.

His eye fell back to the paper in front of him, if she was going to play a game like this he would do the exact same, "Tell him to meet me at the bar, I'm sure you know the address, say around 10:30 tonight," Louis looked up at her as he instructed her of what to do all while she was making a mental note of it all before he was guessing sending it to the wolf, "You'll be taking me so don't wonder off," He mentioned making better eye contact with her seeing the slightly annoyed expression on her face. Louis smirked a bit, "Well you're my driver aren't you, that's your job remember? To do whatever I ask of you."

Now I know he was trying to get a ride out of me but I did not want to give him the satisfaction of that, he was doing what he used to do to the lions. To intimidate them. "Of course. I'll be telling your friend of the news, boss." I gave a small smile that was more of a mocking one but did my best to make it look genuine before turning to leave resisting the urge to slam the door behind me.


Free listened to every word she spoke
with a amused expression on her face, he needed to remind himself that (y/ n) and Louis were still teens and of course they would still be arguing about something like this. He had to act as if he completely understood what was going on and that he was on her side, "I don't know what to do." (Y/n) complained falling on her back meeting the soft bed as Free was seated on it holding one of her fluffy pillows lightly stroking it as if it were a pet.

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