Chapter fourteen

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It didn't take a long time until Louis had ordered the lions to remove him from his sight, the only thing I could do was watch as they dragged him out of the dining room. I didn't know what to think, simply because it wasn't the first time that's happened, by then I was used to carnivores targeting me. Louis was still seated at the table and so was I, looking over at him I could see the pure anger written all over his face as his head was still held by his proped fist. I didn't know what to say so we both just sat there, I couldn't help but think without the hyena how the black market would run.

Without any words I sat up from my seat at the table, he didn't look over at me as I left the table. That was the first time I had ever seen him truly mad, "(Y/n)." Louis called to me quietly, I turned around looking at him as he had leaned back in his chair. I faced him fully now wondering what he was going to say, "I'd never let anyone hurt you," he told me standing finally. Whatever I thought he was going to say, it wasn't that.

I swallowed, "I know." was my only answer. I had to admit after all of this time I truly started to care for him in ways I couldn't explain, I simply could not tell if it was a friendship kind of love or something else. Not wanting to think about it, I began to focus more on Louis as he drew closer to me. "Are you alright?" I questioned even though I knew the answer already.

Louis offered a small smile at my question, he knew that she could already sense the answer, "Angry, that's all." He stood in front of me now having to tilt his head down just to look at me. Louis knew why he was angry but now he felt like he was carrying it on a for but longer than expected. He just couldn't get the mans request out of his head, the thought of someone else having (y/n) made him far more the angry, nearly jealous.

Giving a nod at his response I answered, "I can tell." I thought on what more I could offer him to get his mind of the hyena, by the looks of it the situation affected Louis a lot, "Come to my room with me."


Louis sat at the end of the bed as she had say by the head settles in with her pillows he knees to her chest, they hadn't said anything yet. The two of them stared at the window in silence, "Wanna talk about it?" I questioned as I began to hug a pillow to my chest by then I had excused myself to change into comfier clothes.

He gave a shrug, "What's there to talk about?" Louis asked her still watching the stars.

"Well, you're still mad about it. There's plenty to talk about there." I informed him before running one hand through my head recalling when he brushed it.

"It doesn't matter." Louis finally said after a few seconds of silence between us.

I smiled to myself, "Right." I muttered, I know he heard me after he grinned a bit at my remark. "What do you want to do then?" (Y/n) asked him as she still held the pillow to her chest occasionally moving it around or grabbing an untouched one that was colder.

"To just sit here with you." Louis told me, I smiled at that I began to remember how far we've come since the day we met. We used to act as if we hated each other and after a few months that changed in a instant. Now here we were staring out the window into nothingness, together.

Then we continued to sit in silence for a few moments longer, I felt my eye lids get heavy I really was tired.


By then she had fallen asleep, the silence they shared were soon changed into light snores from her. Louis looked over at the clock on her nightstand it read 2:45am and yet he had no urge to sleep or even leave yet. Louis found it strange the way he was feeling he couldn't care to explain even to himself so he did his very best to push those thoughts away, for now.

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