Chapter twenty-eight

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Louis had finally convinced her to be seen by a doctor, the excuse for the wound was that she had fallen down stairs which wasn't totally wrong and ended up piercing her leg on something. (Y/n) had to tell them that she didn't know what stabbed her and that she didn't care enough to look.

As I had suspected there were questions upon questions but thankfully due to my excuse they had finally stopped and got down to business, the doctor commented on how well kept the wound had been taken care of given that an injury like that could have gotten infected easily if not taken care of.

Louis was with her the whole time standing by her side and listened to the suggestions that the doctors gave her, remembering them all in case she had forgotten or not listened to them. Then the part that even Louis had been anxious about was recovering the stitches however when he glanced down at (y/n) she didn't seem the slightest bit nervous as the doctor applied a small amount of numbing cream that he knew would provide much help.

Once the doctor had finished closing up the wound and bandaging it back up they informed her of what to do and not to do, "Don't take any showers or baths that would result in you getting these bandages wet. After a week we'll remove them and do a checkup, keep your leg elevated at time. You may walk on it but only for a certain amount of time until you'll start to feel some pain." The doctor stood up examine the two of them and their placement, Louis was standing to her right as she was seated on the table and even then he was still considerably taller than her. "Well, until now I've never worked with a human. All I can prescribe for medication is over the counter stuff," He leaned on the counter with a sync in the examining room, "different drugs are for different animals, due to that reason I don't want to risk giving you more than needed. Apart from that, the pain shouldn't be too bad."

Louis nodded as he made notes of this in his head, "Also after a few exams that have been performed there is a chance that you could have suffered a small concussion, due to this I can prescribe some medication for headaches. I'm sure they must be worse since you've hit your head." He turned around then opening a cabinet, handing them to her. "They aren't made for certain animals I only suggest taking two when you feel a headache coming on, these will last you one or two weeks." Louis watched the doctors face that was partly covered by a mask and his antlers truly were a sight to see, he must have been a gazelle.

Due to that reason it was hard to tell whether or not he believed (y/n)'s story she came up with, but his tone said it all. Not long after that and a few more words spoken between the doctor and (y/n) he excused them and hoped (y/n) had a speedy recovery. The moment Louis was already out of the office the doctor had stopped (y/n) giving her a card, "My number in case there are any questions you have."

"Oh, " I said in a small voice before gladly taking the card sticking it in my pocket, "thank you." I said with a small I couldn't see his face clearly due to the mask but however I did see his eyes close half way I simply guessed that it was a smile.

The doctor only nodded a bit with a trace of a grin. "I hope your leg recovers well."

As the two of them walked slowly back to the car Louis couldn't help but think too much on that kind gesture a bit. The more he began to think about it the more he felt himself become jealous of that, even though it all only was a kind gesture and precaution. (Y/n)'s situation was serious and it was obvious that the doctor was worried for her well being.

As he drove her back to headquarters he eventually allowed that thought to leave his mind and saw it nothing more than him being overprotective and jealous. Free had been the first one to see them back at headquarters claiming that nearly everyone else had gone out to go about their own things, Louis mentioned to Free that (y/n) didn't know about them or what had happened to her last night.

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