Chapter ten

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Upon waking up the next morning Louis had felt more tired than usual, even as he sat through the morning meeting he couldn't help but close his eyes occasionally letting his mind drift off into random thoughts, until he needed to push himself to open his eyes again. "Are you feeling okay today, boss?" Ibuki asked when he finally noticed Louis more groggy look as he rested his head in a proped first.

Louis looked over at the kind lion giving him a small nod, "I'm just tired." He answered while leaning back having both has hands rest on the arms of the chair. Louis thought back to the night before, it was peaceful just sitting on the top of the building with (y/n) in silence as they let their high take over them. Taking a deep breath he continued to listen in on what was being said around the table recognizing (y/n) wasn't as quiet as she normally was that day, he noticed that she would join in on the conversation and suggest certain things that should or needed to be done.

After the meeting everyone went of to do what had been asked of them, Louis watched as everyone soon left the table he sat there for a moment longer debating whether or not he should go to his office or to his bedroom to try and get a few more moments of sleep. But part of him just wanted to talk with (y/n), Louis was pretty sure he saw her walk onto the second floor in a room he had yet to enter. Soon Louis found himself walking to the second floor upon reaching the steps he looked at the door he sat (y/n) enter now he debated going in as he stood at the entrance. He didn't know what was inside the room but he just wanted to speak with her again, now he found he interesting other than the obvious reason that she was a human. She was genuinely someone he wanted to be around, he wanted to get to know her better out of guilt that he misjudged her when he met her.

Finally Louis decided against it, she could have been busy with something although he wasn't sure what, Louis did some out halfway through their meeting. Turning on his heal, Louis started to return to his bedroom given that there was nothing to really do that day for him.


I was seated on one of the couches in the library room that was lighten up by a few dull lamps and the small light that was aloud through by the windows covered with thin curtains. I often went in here, sometimes I liked reading and sometimes I just enjoyed my time alone in this room. Nobody really came in besides Ibuki, when the lion had down time he'd come in here and read for hours occasionally she'd join him.

But now, she only sat there enjoying the silence alone. The only break in silence was (y/n)'s stomach starting to rumble, she's hardly touched her dinner last night and decided to at least have a small breakfast this morning.

After only a few minutes of being seated in the library I got up from my seat on the couch deciding to go into the kitchen. Normally there was no breakfast made like dinner was, everyone just ate whatever we had in the pantry. The moment I reached the large kitchen I opened the pantry door seeing hardly anything was in here, that's what happens when you live with a bunch of hungry lions. Walking over to the fridge I noticed that nothing was in there as well, just the alcohol we had bought only days before and it was nearly gone. That's when I decided I should probably go into the supermarket and pick up some things, or maybe a lot of things.

Ibuki came in seconds later after I had closed the fridge, from what I've seen he would make some eggs for breakfast and leave some for anyone else who wants them. Ibuki gave a small smile when he saw me and then opened the fridge, I heard a small grunt once he too saw there was nothing in there, "I'll go to the store today." I told him leaning on the counter that only contained a toaster.

"I can go." Ibuki said closing the fridge sticking his hands inside his pockets of the dress pants Ibuki wore.

I shook my head in dismissal, "I don't mind. I'll be back after noon." I informed Ibuki as I made my way to leave the kitchen.

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