Chapter thirty-seven

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This whole thing was throwing me off, I couldn't think straight and I didn't know what to do. First he tells me act professionally and now he doesn't want me to, I don't get it. Another thing was partly tearing me apart was the fact that he wanted to leave, even though he didn't say it straight up I could just tell that the wolf meant so much to him more than any of us have ever meant to him and that he'd leave without a second thought. I truly felt like Louis wasn't thinking of how this would effect everyone and yet he had the audacity to lecture me the same way. If he leaves the Shishigumi will be forced to either join another gang or disappear completely unless someone else offers themselves up as boss outside of the gang.

Half of the time when a gangs boss leaves or dies there is always someone who wants to be the leader but must be approved by everyone else, in most cases the new leaders are often awful to their members and treat them like dirt abusing their power. The Shishigumi was lucky enough to receive someone like Louis as their boss. At this time I was seated in the living room Agata and Free playing cards and Dolph was halfway asleep seated next to me his head thrown back on the sofa followed be occasionally jolts of his body attempting to keep him awake.

"What would we do if Louis ever quit being boss?" I found myself asking out loud.

They all looked over to me and Dolph seemed to be fully awake after I asked everyone that question, "Why?" Agata asked seeming more confused than ever.

I shrugged a bit trying to play it off as if I didn't know anything but based on the look of Free's face he knew there was something that she was hiding, "Just a thought." she insisted.

"Well either join another gang or possibly find someone else fit for the job." Free spoke up looking at his cards in front of him once more all while trying to peer over at Agata's.

I pursed my lips a bit, "What if a member was up for it?" I found myself asking, of course i admit suggesting anyone from here it was a general question.

Dolph shrugged a little, "Hardly any of us are fit to be boss," he commented letting his head fall back on the couch, "why do you ask?"

"I was only wondering." she insisted.

Free and Agata gave her a questionable look for a moment all while Dolph was more focused on sleeping, "You don't know something we don't do you?" Free was the only one brave enough to ask her this question while Agata only nodded his head in agreement.

She scrunched her face a bit and let out a small laugh in order to play those whole thing off as only a mere thought, "No, why do you think that?" (Y/n) asked as if the question wasn't very obvious.

Agata spoke up then, "It kind of just came out of nowhere-" everyone stopped and looked when they heard footsteps enter the room, they all saw Louis and Ibuki enter the room together. Louis hummed a bit as if asking us what we had been talking about Ibuki just looked around the room to see who was present. Everyone simply shrugged it off acting as if they didn't hear his questionable hum.

"It's getting late." Agata said rising from his spot on the ground allowing his cards to be visible by everyone, Free looked over to see if he even had a chance it winning in which he didn't. Free sighed laying his cards face down on the table not allowing anyone to see his unofficial defeat.

Free stood up as well forcing a yawn that soon turned into a genuine one, "I'm going to bed." he announced leaving the room silently as Dolph was already snoring.

Louis silently wondered if his presence drove those two lions away then he looked over at (y/n) seeing her sipping thoughtfully out of a white mug, "We should play cards." Ibuki suggested with a smile.

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