Chapter twenty-seven

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Louis had woken up to a stiff back that morning when he woke up, he looked over to (y/n) she was still asleep. He decided not to wake her even though she said that she needed to carry on with work. She was in no position to be doing work let alone, walking around. He had gotten up from his place on the couch leaving her room quietly.

By that time everyone else was up and continued to work on investigating the ivory that's been going missing which, is resulting in the Shishigumi losing more money and customers. There had been rumors that somebody had been stealing and selling them, that would be the first thing that the Shishigumi would need to investigate that very day.

First thing Louis did was get changed he did his best to quietly sneak back down to his room, his current suit that he happened to fall asleep in was now creased and wrinkled in some spots.

(Y/n) had woken up when she heard the door shut, after looking around she found Louis to not be there. I sat up then supporting half my weight on my elbows as I looked down at my thigh, I recalled all of the events of last night. After Louis had finished bandaging her up she remembered that he gave her some pain medication, that was most likely why it didn't hurt as much now.

I made my way off the bed my body aching with every movement I took. The first thing I had decided to do was change the bandages, with an injury like this she would most likely need stitches and would have to change the bandages constantly in order to keep it from being infected. (Y/n) had gotten the bandages some my rubbing alcohol to clean it once more, she sat back down at the edge of her bed and continued to change the bandage.


"I don't know where she was." Louis admitted to Free who had been seated across from him in the library, at the moment it was the only place that they both could receive privacy in order to discuss (y/n)'s late return the previous night, "She's suffered a few injuries on her face and a gunshot wound on her left thigh." Louis informed.

Free nodded with every word that came out of his bosses mouth thinking of a reasonable explanation and yet none came, he thought back to when him and (y/n) first met and beyond that. She had never been a very violent person before, of course when needed (y/n) would stop at nothing in order to protect herself. "Did she say if it was gang related?" Free wondered out loud looking over to Louis hoping for a more clear answer.

However Louis shook his head, "She wouldn't say anything," he thought back to how hard it was seeing someone like her that way. He had no idea of what happened it could truly be anything, "she just seemed startled."

"That's odd." The lion said quietly taking a drag off his cigarette, "How bad is the damage?" Free asked.

He thought to himself for a little moment, "I know for a fact that she'll need stitches, other than that everything will just have to take time. I told her not to work at all today and that she shouldn't walk on it." Louis then stood up, "I should go check on her." Free only nodded in response as Louis exited the library making his way to the top floor.

When he was before her door Louis had expected that she would still be asleep, due to that assumption he slowly opened the door only to see her sitting of the edge of her bed, "You alright?" Louis asked with a kind tone when she looked over at him. He watched as an innocent smile came on her face when she made eye contact with him and nodded her heard a bit, "Does it still hurt?" he asked examining her face seeing the small gashed and bruises that have fully developed.

"Not as bad," I answered looking back down at the ground for a moment before returning my line of vision back to Louis, "I think I'll need stitches though." she mentioned gently poking at the new bandages.

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