Chapter thirty-nine

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"Leaving?" Ibuki asked with his mouth agape and glass held loosely in his hand. Louis nodded. "Boss, if you leave you can never show your face here again. You need to understand what you're doing."

Louis nodded again at his warning he knew what he was doing, "I know, Ibuki. I should have known from the start that this was not my place, I don't belong here-"

"But you've changed the market for the better, how could you not belong here? You are the best boss of the Shishigumi we've ever had." Ibuki kept on rambling about how great Louis was for the market and the Shishigumi in an attempt to get him to consider staying. "Why do you need to leave?" He demanded.

Louis looked at the lion that has now grown to be someone who meant a lot to him, "A friend, I need to help him. I'm not quiet sure he understands what exactly he is doing." He continued to look at Ibuki admiring his friendly features and narrow eyes over time he's grown to live this lion, "He means a lot to me and I hate to see the path he's gone down."

Ibuki thought quietly to himself he would admit that even before he met Louis he was always interested in how he was the top of his school and a future Beastar, he thought about how Louis friend would think when he found out Louis was a mafia boss, things like this go both ways. That's one thing Louis did not realize. "When do you need to leave?" He asked the deer seated next to him.

"Six days, this Saturday night is when I will resign as boss." As much as he hated the thought of leaving all of them he needed at least one or two people to understand why he was choosing this path, he needed them to know that Legosi meant so much to him regardless of their rocky past. His reaction changed a bit the lion on his face turned from concern to sorrow and Louis noticed this, "That doesn't mean we'll never see each other again."


"And what of Louis life? I understand where you're coming from but if this bear is as dangerous as you say he is, how do you know Louis won't die in this process. You said you want him to be there in case you die, correct? Who will be there to defend Louis from that beat if you die?" She asked him slightly rubbing her temple in a hint of stress, she didn't know what to think nor was she exactly trying to change Legosi's mind, at the very least she wanted him to realize just how bad something like this can get.

Legosi took her words into consideration, "Louis is strong willed, I'm sure you know that much. I know he can defend himself and I truly have no plan on dying this early on in my life." he gave her the best answer he could even if it wasn't all that true. All Legosi knew was that he needed to give her reassurance, if not this could her into trying and stopping Louis. Even then Louis still had a choice whether or not he wanted to go, at this point he didn't know if he was or was not.

(Y/n) thought about what he had just told her,"I do not know you well, but I don't want you to die. After this I won't try and talk you out of it, if I'm being honest I most likely would have done the same thing. But please, just consider taking the easy way out. It may not bring him as much justice as he deserves but you'll be protecting your own life and many others." She silently hoped that he wouldn't go through with this, she understood but it was selfish.

Legosi thought back to the night he told Louis about all of this and how Louis said he didn't want to leave and that there was far more work to be done and people he cared about, now he saw it. She was one of the people he cared about, he could tell just by the way she wants to ensure Louis safety. That was enough to see how loyal and protective she was over Louis, if he had more experience he would even call that love. "I haven't known you long, but I trust you and your advice,"

Then take it.

Legosi continued, "But this is something I feel the need to do, I know this may come off selfish but believe me I wouldn't do this if I didn't feel the need to do it."

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