Chapter One

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White Diamond Pov

I'm sitting here in my ship on Homeworld incredibly bored. I sigh and continue doing work until I decide to call Yellow and Blue. "Blue..Yellow I've been thinking...since Pink err Steven doesn't want to be here..why don't we make another Diamond" I get straight to the point. Blue tilted her head and smiled. "Well I don't see why we shouldn't..what about you Yellow?" She says in her normal soft voice. Yellow shrugs. "Hm..White are you sure you want another Diamond around? We'd have to teach her how to be a proper diamond so she can have her own colony." Yellow says in her strict voice. I roll my eyes. "Of course I'm sure now I want you two here as soon as possible got that?" I say very seriously. They nod and we all end the call.

14 Saturn days later
Blue's Pov

As I land my ship on Homeworld my Pearl and I immediately leave and start heading to White's ship. As we are walking I see Yellow and her Pearl coming the same way as us. I smiled "Hello Yellow how have you been?" I ask her as I haven't seen or spoken to her in a while. She smiles. "I'm well how are you?" Yellow said to me. "I've been well also" I answer and we just walk in a comfortable silence to White's ship. As we get there she's already standing there ready for us. "White good seeing you" Yellow said. White just nodded and got straight to the point. "So as you both kno- ahem.. Pearl's please exit" White said to mine and Yellow's pearls. "Yes, my Diamond" They say in sync as they do the diamond salute and leave. "As I was saying you know I want to add another Diamond to the Authority and she will be known as Red Diamond.." She says and then I start thinking. 'Red? Maybe this might be interesting..' I thought to myself. "Red? Hm...and how do you think we will have time to guide her into the position to be a proper diamond?" Yellow questioned the older gem. White sighed softly. "We will all work together on this and we won't train her to hard because we don't want her to feel like Pink did.." She said with slight sadness in her voice but then went right back to normal. "Okay White so when do we start?" I questioned. "Now" She says as we walk into a room.

A/N Okay see I've been really interested in Steven Universe lately and was like "Why not make a book?" So now I'm giving it a try. Also the image of what Red looks like is my own well it was originally Purple Diamond then I just changed the color added the skirt changed the shirt slightly and stuff. Well have a great day(⌐■-■)

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