Chapter Nine

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Red Diamond Pov

I'm going to Earth again because why not? I'm not very good at driving the ship seeing as I almost crashed into Mars...but good thing is that we're close to Earth..close as in we are heading down to land. When we land I get off my seat and shrink down to my Jaspers height. "C'mon Jasper what are we waiting for" I say as I grab her hand and drag her to the crystal gems home. I stop in front of their door and knock. Amethyst opens the door. "Oh hey Red what's up?" She asks as she's eating a big round donut that doesn't have holes and it's flat. "I came to check out Earth again considering I didn't see much the last time I was here!" I say happily as my Jasper stands next to me protectively. "Ohhh yeah lemme just go get Garnet and can come in" Amethyst says as she walks away into the house. "My Diamo-" I interrupt "Red call me Red" I say and she nods. "Red...It might be a trap just in case let me go in first" Jasper says as she walks in before me. Seeing as nothing happens she signals to me it's safe. I walk in nd chuckle at Jasper's protectiveness. I sit down on a chair and Jasper stands next to me. "Y'know you can sit down.." I say and she slowly sits down on a chair next to me. We hear footsteps coming and see a door open. "And she's in the house righ- oh he-hello Red Diamond" Pearl says somewhat nervously and I wave. "How do you do?" I ask with a smile. "Oh well I'm well...what are you doing here?" She questions. "I came to explore beach city more and I was wondering if you gems could show me around?" I ask hopefully as I stand up. "I don't see anything bad happening in the future so I don't see why not" Garnet says and I smile. "I suppose we could show you around.." Pearl says. "Let's go last one to the big donut is a rotten egg" Amethyst says and starts running out the house. "... what's a egg?" I ask confusingly.

(Time skip to the big donut)

"Before we do anything else I think you should probably try to look a little more like a human because the last time you were here some people were worried" Pearl suggests and I see a human girl and make myself look like her. (Picture above) "How's this?" I ask and all the gems nod. We explore all over beach city. We soon arrive to a red house with two gems outside. The crystal gems greet them and I decide to introduce myself. "Hi I'm Red Diamond nice to meet you both" I say and my Jasper nods to them. "Hey the names Lapis" The blue one says. "And I am the famous Peridot in the flesh" The green one says and I giggle. "Yellow told me about you..she said you called her a clod once" I say with a big smile. Peridot seems embarrassed and Lapis laughs at her. We all head back to the house. "Dude you should try sleep it's amazing" Amethyst says as we go inside. "I'm willing to try it but how do you do it?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "You lay down then close your eyes and just relax" She says and I nod. "You can sleep on the couch RD" She says and points at what I guess is a couch. "Thank you for letting me stay here" I say as I lay down and get comfortable. My Jasper sits down next to me. "Jasp you should try sleep too" I suggest to her. "I'm fine Red" Jasper says as she remains sitting. I nod and close my eyes. Soon enough I'm sleeping.

Red's dream:

I was walking around on Homeworld and I heard giant footsteps. I grin thinking it's White, Yellow, or Blue but when I turn around I see someone new. She has a diamond but I've never seen or heard of her before..."Who are you..?" I ask to her. She smiles sinisterly and laughs. "Well I'm Black Diamond..and I'm here to destroy all of you" She says as she slams her hand down. Just as her hand is about to hit me I wake up.

End of dream

"Red are you okay?" Jasper asks and I shake my head. "We need to go back to Homeworld now" I say as I stand up and leave the gems house with my Jasper close behind me. We board my ship and I immediately start heading back to Homeworld. We eventually get back but I could've sworn I passed another ship. Once I land my ship Jasper and I leave the ship. "You can go with the other Jasper's and Amethyst" I say to her as I start running to White's room. I open her door as quick as possible and run inside. She turns around and smiles but then frowns. "Starbright what's wrong?" White asks as she crouches down. "I had a dream and I saw someone and she said her name was Black Diamond and she was here to destroy all of us" I tell her frightened that my dream was real. White smiles and laughs. "Starbright there is no Black have nothing to worry about because I'll always be there to protect you" She says as she scoops me up and gives me a gentle hug. I nod and smile relieved. "Thanks White I needed that" I say as she sets me back on the ground. "Your welcome Starbright now how about you go see your Pearl and Spinels" She suggest and I nod then run out and the door closes behind me.

White Diamond Pov

As soon as Red leaves the room I let out a breathe and my smile drops. I stand up and go to my communication device and dial Blue and Yellow. "Hello White" They say at the same time. "Hello.. I'm afraid I have bad news." I say with a frown. "Oh dear what happened?" Blue questions. "Did something happen to Red?" Yellow asks. "No nothing happened to Red...but Black Diamond has returned and she's back for revenge" I say with slight fear. Their faces immediately change into ones of fear. "What shall we do?" Blue asks frightened. "I have no idea" I say looking down.

A/N hey guys I know I haven't been updating lately but I was busy with school work and my grandad passed away so...but here's a new chapter I hope you enjoyed

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