Chapter Three

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Red's Pov

"And this is where I do all of my work for all twenty-five of my Colony's" White says as she finishes the tour. "Ooh that's pretty cool...but I have a question..well two actually" I say nervous to ask the questions. "What are these questions Starbright?" She questions. "Well um first question is..What are Colony's?" I ask confusingly. White smiles that bright smile and laughs. "Oh Starbright Colony's are just planets that we are the leaders of..what is the next question?" She answers my question then asked me. I'm a little nervous about this one because we passed the door multiple times but she never said anything about it. "What does the Pink door lead to? Is their another Diamond in there?" I say looking up at her with my face orbs. She sighs then sits in her seat. "Well that used to be Pinks room until she faked her shattering became Rose Quartz to form the crystal gems then gave up her physical form to become her child Steven but we're all fine with each other now" White says with her head resting in her hand. I take a deep breath.. that's a lot to take in. "Wow...uh just wow that's a lot to what's a child" I say confused again. "Well apparently on Earth when two humans love each other very much they-" White was interrupted by a ring and she answers the device. "White I know I haven't been gone for a long time but I needed to know if we are having a ball for Red?" Yellow questioned. I really wanted to see her but the desk was to high up. I started jumping up trying to get up there but it was no use. "Oh my stars how did I forget? Yes of course we are having a ball for her I just need to get everything prepared please tell Blue" White says to Yellow. "Hey White! Can you help me out?" I question with hopeful eyes. She looks down at me and lowers her hand. I then get on and she sets me on her desk. "Of course I will White" Yellow tells White. "Hey YD!" I say waving at her. Yellow then notices me and looks confused. "What's a YD? And why did you call me that?" She questions. White just chuckles. "It's my name for you!" I say excitedly. "And do you have names for the others?" Yellow questions. "I sure do Blue is Twilight and White is Sunlight!" I answer her question. "Sunlight??" White questions. I just shrug as Yellow laughs. "Well I will talk to you guys later bye" Yellow says as she makes a sign with her hand. "Bye YD" "Goodbye Yellow" White and I say at the same time as she ends the call. " one more question..Can we go to Earth to meet the Crystal Gems and Steven?? Pleassseee" I ask sticking out my bottoms lip. White sighs then smiles. "Sure but only for a little while" She says and I begin jumping excitedly. She then sets her hand next to me and I get on as we start heading to her ship.

White's pov

I have no idea what made me say yes to taking her to Earth. I suppose she does deserve to see more than just the palace though. As we get to my ship I place her next to me on my seat and I begin taking it to Earth. (Twenty minutes later) We arrive on Earth and her eyes widen as I land by the Crystal Gems home. "Woah this place looks awesome" Red says happily and I scoop her up then I put her down on the ground next to me. "It's even nicer outside of the ship" I say as we start walking. We soon exit the ship and she looks up at the house. "Who lives there?? Can we please see!" She asks me and before I can say anything the Crystal Gems come out. "Hey what are you doing here? I thought you went back to Homeworld?" The Amethyst asks me. "Well-" I'm interrupted by the smaller Diamond next to me. "She came here because I wanted to see Earth! Oh and I'm Red Diamond nice to meet you!" She says as she shrinks down to be the height of a Pearl. The Pearl then gasps. "Oh my goodness! You made another Diamond?" She questions. "Yes I did make another Diamond and she wanted to meet you all" I answer as I look down expecting to see her but she's not there. I then  look around and see her going towards the Garnet. "Ooh I like your things on your face...also I've never seen a gem like you so far. What are you? I mean like what type of gem are you!" Red asks the Garnet. "I'm Garnet and I'm a fusion" She answers simply. Red still looks confused and she's about to ask another question. "It's when two gems are in the same rhythm and mindset they dance together and become a bigger and stronger version of themselves" The Pearl answers. "Oh..okay that sounds nice!" Red says with a  stupid grin on her face. "Starbright I'll be in the ship just come on whenever your ready to leave" I say as I start going back. "Okay Sunlight I won't take to long!" She says and heads over to the Amethyst.

Red's Pov

I head over to the purple one. "So what type of gem are you?" I ask curiously. "I'm an Amethyst" She says as she leans against the wall. "Ooh I haven't seen an Amethyst yet I'm happy to meet you!" I say politely. I look over as I hear a weird noise. "That is a car." Pearl says to me. "What's a car?" I ask. "A car is something that people use to get around" Garnet answers. I nod. "Can I go see some more places?" I ask hopefully. They all look uncertain. "Pleassseee I promise I won't do anything it's just that I wanna see some more places" I say to them with a slight frown. "I can show her around!" A voice calls from behind us them. They all smile and turn around. "Steven!!!" They say in unison as they run over to him and trap him in their arms.

A/N Chapter Three done! I hope you all like it. Welp goodnight from Ohio!😴

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