Chapter 14

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Blue Diamond Pov

I've checked all around the palace and found that no gems are missing nor injured. I can hear Yellow talking to the army's. I go to check on my Pearl who was checking on a gem outside of the Palace only to not see them. "Pearl? Where are you?" I ask as I look around. I look down and see two gems. One is shattered and the other is fine. I bend down and look at the gems. I realize that the one that isn't even scratched is a Jasper. The other Pearl. "Oh no...Pearl" I mumble as I look down at the shattered gem in front of me. I pick up the pieces of my old friend and pick up the Jasper. "I'll find out who did this...and trust me they'll regret it" I say as I stand up and walk back into the palace. I walk past multiple gems until I see Yellow. "Yellow..." I call her name sadly. She looks over at me confused. "Blue what's the matter?" She questions as she walks over to me. I show her the shattered blue gem in my hand. "Someone shattered Pearl..." I say as a tear rolls down my face.

Yellow Diamond Pov

I can't believe what I'm hearing. Blue and her Pearl were close so I know that she's hurting. I pull her into a hug. "I'm so sorry that happened Blue..." I have nothing else to say. I don't know what to tell her. She sobs into my chest and it breaks my heart. She hasn't cried like this in a long time. I kiss the top of her head and pull away slightly. "Why don't you go into your courters and I'll tell White and Red" I say to her as she wipes the tears going down her face. She nods and walks off slowly. As the army's head out to patrol I go to the meeting room to wait for Red and White.

White Diamond Pov

We get out of the ship and head back into the palace. As we're heading back I get lost in thought. 'why won't Black just fight already? I know her plans now so I know she'll try to attack when we're not prepared but...we know that she'll try to attack when we aren't ready so of course we will stay on our toes..'  Then that's when it hit me. The first person she contacted was Red. The person that she mostly makes contact with is Red. 'Black knows that Starbright is important to me and that's how she plans on getting to me. She makes me think that she'll attack us all at once but she'll just attack us all one by one....we all need to stay together and not go to far from each other.' I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize I walked right past the room. "Are you alright?" Red asked as she raised an eyebrow. I nod "Yes I'm fine just got distracted that's all" I say as we walk back a bit and go into the room. "Yellow? What're you doin' here?" The scarlet gem next to me asked. "...I have bad news.." Is the sentence that leaves her lips causing Red and I to worry.

Red Diamond Pov

"What? What happened?? Did something happen to Blue?? Where is she? She's not here! That's bad...she didn't get sha-" I get silenced by two voices. "Red/Starbright!" Yellow and White yell making me stop rambling and pay attention to what Miss Earl of Lemongrab was trying to say. "Blue is fine well... physically she is but emotionally I'm not so sure" She says as she paces slightly. "What happened?" White asked curiously. "Someone shattered her Pearl and we're not sure of who did it but I have a extremely good feeling that it was someone who works with Black" Yellow says as she stops pacing and looks at us. I don't have anything to say I just leave the room quicky. I start running to Blue's courters to check on her. I hear them call after me but I ignore them and continue on. I arrive outside of her room and place my hand on the scanning pad then enter. I immediately hear crying. I see her in her pool with tears streaming down her face. I quietly walk over and walk as close to her as I can get as tears stream down my face since her sad aura is activated. "Blue...I know that it hurts and I know that it will hurt for a while but know that we're all hear for you..Yellow, White, me, and all the other gems on Homeworld and probably on Earth as well so you'll always have someone to talk to if you need someone to talk to... don't even think that your being a burden because your not I want to help you with this and I'm sure everyone else does as well. We love you Blue...especially Yellow" I say to her whispering the last bit under my breath wiping my face. She looks over at me with a small sad smile. "Thank you for that" She says and I nod briefly. "Blue... I'm going to leave because I can't see" I say as I continue wiping away tears falling from my eyes. "Okay Red.. I'll see you later then" She says with a slight chuckle. I wave as I leave her room and go back to the meeting room.

A/N Heyy guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I'm officially done with this chapter😅 I had writer's block so sorry that it took so long. I also realized I tend to put ... a lot and I really don't know why buuuuttt I hope you all enjoyed this chapter also ❤️🏳️‍🌈~happy pride~🏳️‍🌈❤️

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