Chapter Eight

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Red Diamond Pov (the next day)

I was playing with Spinel and well.. Spinel We were enjoying ourselves and having a lot of fun. "Spinel I'm gonna find you both!" I say as I begin looking for them. We are playing hide and seek in the palace. "No you won't!" I hear Pink Spinel say and I turn around and look up. I see her on the ceiling. "How did you even get up there??" I question with a laugh and she joins in. "Well sometimes you gotta go up! And you know what they say! What goes up must come down!" She says as she shapes herself like a spring and shoots herself down. "Since you have been found you must help me find Red Spinel!" I say with another giggle as we start looking around. We search the ballroom, my room, Blue's room, Yellow's room, White's room, and even Pinks room! That leaves one place.. Pink's Garden. As we are looking around I hear a giggle. "Found ya!" Pink Spinel says with a smile and Red Spinel pops up. "I guess you did!" She says with a smile and we all start playing around some more. Then I see my Pearl coming towards me. "Hey Pearl!" I greet her happily. "Hi Red I came to inform you that White Diamond has gotten your own ship ready." She says as she stops in front of me. "Whhaaaaattttt I have my own ship! Like I can go wherever I want to go with it?" I ask her and she nods. "Yes White Diamond says that she wants you to be able to go wherever whenever" Pearl says with a smile. "Wowsa Red looks like you've got a new ride!" Red Spinel says as Pink Spinel nods. "It looks like I do! You guys can do whatever you want to right now I'm going to go ask White where my ship is!" I announce as I start running to White's room. I don't see her in there so I go to her ship. "White! There you are! I wanted to say thank you for my ship!" I say to her enthusiastically. "No problem Starbright anything for you" She says with a smile. "Sooo....I was wondering if I could take it for a ride? I'll take Pearl with me if it makes you feel better!" I say but she shakes her head. "Actually I've assigned a Jasper to keep you safe but if you do indeed wish to take your Pearl you may take her with you as well" She says to me and I jump up happily as a Jasper walks out and grow myself to her height and wrap my arms around her like how I saw Steven do with the gems. "Thank you so much White! I really really really really appreciate this!" I say extremely happy.

White Diamond Pov

My face turns pink. I've seen some humans do this when I was on Earth. I do believe they call it 'hugging'. I slowly wrap my arms around her. This hugging isn't very bad it's actually..comforting. "There's no need to thank me Starbright..." I say as we pull away. She smiles brightly and I have a feeling I already know what she's going to ask. "It's right by Blue and Yellow's ship" I say to her with a smile. Red and Jasper go over to her ship and I see it start up and begin flying.

A/N What's poppin? How's everyone's day? Mine is okay but y'know I just found out that since my mother is sick I can't go to school. She has the flu and she won't let me leeaaavvvveeeeeee so I'm stuck here and I can't go to school until March 24th. I hope everyone is fine and like a certain yellow giraffe once did✌️

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