Chapter Four

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Red's Pov

I head over to them and see the Steven. "Ste-man I didn't know you were coming back so soon!" Amethyst says happily. "Steven! We've missed you" Pearl states. "It's good to see you Steven" Garnet says as they release Steven from the arm trap. "Yeah I had wanted to surprise you guys" He says with a smile. As they end their greetings I walk a little closer. "Hello! I don't think you caught my name I'm Red Diamond or as White likes to say 'Starbright'" I say with a short giggle. "Hi I'm Steven welcome to Beach I heard you wanted to take a look around?" He says to me and I smile wider. "Yes I really do!" I exclaimed to him. "Well I can show you around then. Follow me" Steven says as he starts walking away and I follow. We soon end up at a place with mini ships flying around with small humans on them. "This is Funland! You can ride rollercoasters and play games here" He says as he shows me around Funland. I look up at the big round one that goes in circles. "Can we get on this one?" I ask hopefully. He smiles "Yeah we can get on c'mon" Steven says as he buys tiny papers and heads over to the ride I wanted to get on. "Here ya go" Steven says as he hands a man a ticket. "Go ahead" The man says as he takes the ticket and opens the door to a small box. Steven then gets in and holds his hand out to help me. I accept his hand and hop on with him. "Thank you" I say politely. "No problem" He says and more people begin to get on different boxes. Soon enough the ride starts and we get to the top then it stops. I begin leaning over the side to look down. "Hey Red you can't do that it isn't safe!" Steven says as he pulls me back into the box. "But why isn't it safe?" I ask curiously as I saw the worry in his eyes. "Because if you fall down you could get hurt! Your gem could crack or you could poof!" He says to me. "I'll be fine trust me Steven" I say as I start leaning over the side and looking down again then it get dark. "RED!"

White's pov

I'm on my ship doing some work for my Colony's when I decide to go check on Starbright seeing as it has been a while. I exit my ship and see the Crystal Gems talking. "Do you think we should have let her go? What if something bad happens?" The Pearl questions the Garnet. "Don't worry Pearl she won't do anything bad Steven is with her" The Garnet says trying to calm the Pearl. "Where is Red exactly?" I question as I bend down. "She went to go see the town with Ste-man" The Amethyst says as she eats. "Do you know when she will return?" I ask the gems. "No but I have a feeling it will be soon" The Garnet says as she starts heading back inside.

Stevens pov

I jump off the ride and gently land next to Red. She gets up but she has a crack on her eye. "Red...are you okay?" I ask as I help her up. She then feels her eye and gasp. "No no no no no no oh my stars White is gonna kill me!" She says as she begins pacing around. "No she's not..just calm down" I say to her in a calm voice. She stops pacing and jumps up and down. "I have an idea! What if I just go back to my regular form? Since my hair covers my eye!" Red says and I think about it then nod. "Yeah I think that could work..go ahead." I said as I took a step back so she could have room. She then changes into her normal form. "Okay now that your back to yourself let's just head back" I say to her and she nods. "Maybe one day I'll come down to visit again" She says as we are almost back. "Yeah because we didn't get to far along with the trip" I say then I see The Big Donut. "Wait right here let me go get something!" I say to her as we stop in front of it and I go inside. "Hey Sadie!" I say as I go inside. "Hey Steven good to see you what can I get ya" Sadie says to me. "Um how about two regular chocolate donuts with sprinkles" I say and soon after she hands me the bag and I hand her the money. I go back outside and hand Red a donut. "What is this?" She questions as she stares at the donut. "It's food! You put it in your mouth then chew and swallow" I say as I take a bite. She does the same and her eyes light up. "This is amazing" She says and I nod. We soon finish our donuts and get back. "Well I hope you enjoyed Earth so far Red" I say as I wave goodbye. "I did enjoy my time here and I liked meeting you guys" She says. I soon go inside the house as she goes into White's ship.

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to keep trying to do daily updates but I'm supposed to be going back into school soon! So the updates might not be every single day.

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