Chapter 13

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"My Diamonds! Black Diamond has arrived"


Red Diamond Pov

As soon as those words left her mouth we broke up from the hug immediately. I shrink to my original height as I'm much more comfortable. "Holly Blue are you aware of her location?" Blue asked the gem. "No..but we saw her ship land on the other side of Homeworld. We aren't sure if she is over there at the moment or if she is already on her way to the Palace." Holly Blue answers quickly. "Yellow you should alert the army's" I state as I look up at the lemon colored gem. Yellow looks at me then to Blue then to White who nods briefly. "I will be back shortly to discuss the battle plan" Yellow said as she walked out the room. "Blue I need you to check on some gems around the Palace to make sure they aren't injured. I'll go to my ship and look around Homeworld for Black." White commands as they both start walking to do their jobs. "Wait! What shall I do?" I question as I wasn't told an order. "You stay here for your own protection" The star like gem says as she continues walking. I huff and follow after her quickly. "I'm a Diamond to! Why can't I come with you? Or at least have some type of point!" I yell as I chase after her. "Listen Red I don't have time for this I have more important matters right now! So please stop bothering me!" White shouts back as she starts walking on to her ship. I stop for a second then I decide to actually fight. I run into her ship before it can fully close. I see White go and start steering the ship. "Red why are you so stubborn?" She asked as the ship starts flying up. "Why are you so protective over me? You aren't this protective over Yellow and Blue! Why do you treat like I'm not a Diamond?" I ask her with an angry look on my face. I'm tired of being treated like I'm weak. Like I'm not strong enough to be a Diamond. White stays silent and continues steering the ship around Homeworld.

White Diamond Pov

Why was I so protective of Red? Well simple. Because I have this weird feeling when I'm near her. When she hugs me or talks to can be as simple as a smile. It makes me happier than I could ever be. I feel this other feeling too though. The first time she hugged me. My face turned pink again. I don't really understand why I feel this way but...sigh. I get out of my thoughts and go back to looking for Black. I see her ship. Her ship was the original head ship. I land my ship near but not to close and start walking out. I hear small footsteps behind me. "Starbright please...stay here. If I am in trouble you will be able to see because I made sure Blacks ship was in sight. Also if I do end up in danger make sure to use the communication device to send a message to Blue and Yellow. Tell them our location and then come to help me when they get here..okay?" I state to her she sighs and slowly nods. I leave the ship and the door closes behind me. I walk over to Blacks ship and see that the door is already open. I peak inside before I step in. I start looking around but I don't see her or any of her gems. I continue walking but then I hear a laugh. A laugh that I recognize way to well. I turn around and see Black. "Hahaha hello White...long time no see. How has life been without me? Pretty bad I assume I mean I am the beautiful Black Diamond" She says with confidence. "Actually life has been pretty great without you. Y'know I honestly can't recall how long it been since I defeated the 'All mighty Black Diamond' so let's just say time sped by" I say with a chuckle as I look into her dark eyes. She scowls at me. "You're extremely lucky White..*sinister laugh* I'm not here for war right now. I'll strike when you least expect it. When your guard is down and no one is prepared. I'll make you watch the deaths of your fellow Diamonds once again. And I'll make sure to make your shattering extremely painful" Black finished and disappeared from my sight. 'Son of a shard' I think to myself as I walk out of her ship with a angry scowl on my face. I board back on to my ship where I see Red pacing back and forth. " She wasn't there. Then she was there. Then she wasn't??? How did she do that? What the fu-" "Red! Language...and weren't you aware that Black had the power of teleportation?" I ask her as most of the anger I was feeling disappeared. "Sorry. And yeah I must have forgotten in the heat of the moment" Starbright says as she stopped pacing. "So? How'd it go?" She questioned as I started steering my ship again. "Well she wasn't being hostile but she was still..creepy" I say as she giggles. "I've heard that you were creepy once as well. Actually I've heard that from a few people" She says with a laugh causing me to open my mouth in shock. "I wasn't creepy" I start but I don't finish my sentence. "You were still grieving but in your own special way so you acted the way you did because you were still trying to accept things?" She questions. It was as if she understood the exact way I was feeling. As if she literally had the same feelings as me. "How'd you know all of that?" I ask confused. "Earlier when we hugged I had a vision and saw some of you're past. I could also feel what you were feeling when it was all happening. But then Holly Blue announced that BD was here and it kinda just..ended before I could see anything else" She stated as she sat on the floor next to me. "When you had the vision of Pink...could you feel what she was feeling?" I ask her but she shakes her head. "I-I don't know why I didn't but sometimes it's like I can feel other people's feelings when they don't show them" The smaller gem said. We just continued back in silence.

A/N Heya everybody! How is everyone? I wrote this chapter so late or..early in some cases because insomnia is a bully. I have schooollllllll. Anyways I'm getting off topic. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Love you all and remember that💖

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