Chapter 15

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Red Diamond Pov

When I get back to the meeting room I announce myself. "I checked on Blue and she's going to need to grieve of course but overall she'll be fine in time" I say as I look between Yellow and White. "Is their something wrong? Did something happen when I was gone?" I ask as I look at White's smug face and Yellow slightly embarrassed face. "Yellow are you going to tell or.....shall I?" White asked with a smirk on her face. Yellow shook her head then cleared her throat. "I uh...I realized that I might have feelings for Blue.." She announced as she looked away with her face turning red. I snort and smile. "I knew something was going on between you two! It was the way you looked at her I swear it!" I say to her as I chuckle. Yellow turns even redder and White laughs. "No need to get flustered Yellow we won't say anything about this conversation" White says with an honest smile. Yellow made a 'tch' noise and sat down. "Anyways we need to get back to business...what are we gonna do about Black?" Yellow brought back the problem at hand. "Well...I personally think that I might need some more training so I can be better at fighting and be even more prepared when Black comes with her army for battle" I spoke up with my own option. "...Yellow would you be willing to train her more?" White questioned Yellow. "I'm sorry Red but I really don't have the time" She said with a small sad smile. "Oh that's fine! Why don't you just train me White?" I asked the taller glowing gem. White looks like she's thinking about it. "Are you sure you want to train with me Starbright? I'm willing to do it though if you serious about this" She told me as she looked down at me. I nodded. "Yes! I'm definitely sure about training with you!" She nods and Yellow nods as well. "It's good that you guys are going to train together...Red you should go get ready she'll start helping you in a second." Yellow said as White looked at her with a  -_- face. "Got it!" I say as I leave the room

Yellow Diamond Pov

"So...White it doesn't seem like I'm the only diamond that has feelings for another..." I say to her with a smug face causing her to blush. "W-what? Pfft no I don't have feelings for anyone..." She said looking away. "Mhmm sureee" I say as I chuckle at her.

I've been gone for awhile but that's because I got a new phone but I forget my information for this account 🙃 My new account is PotatoLover23435 just letting you all know because I might start posting stuff there as well

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