Chapter Five

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Red Diamond Pov

As I get on to the ship I make sure that my eye is covered. I  walk to where I know White will be and put a smile on my face. "Hey White! I'm ready to go back to the Palace" I say as I look at the ground. I can feel her looking at me and I look up. "Starbright did something happen?" White questions and I immediately start shaking my head. "No nothing happened I just want to go back" I say as normally as I can. She looks at me and then lowers her hand then I get on. "What's the matter?" She questions me again. "White I swear it's nothing so can we just drop it?!" I raise my voice. She sighs then nods with an unsure face and sets me on the arm of her chair then starts driving the ship. I feel bad for snapping at White...I look up to see that she's just flying the ship. I look back down and mumble. "I'm sorry..." White looks down at me. "What was that Starbright?" She questions and I look up at her with a frown. "I'm sorry for snapping at you like was uncalled for.." I say. She smiles slightly. "It's fine Red I understand" White says and I just nod. "Um..White I have a question.." She makes a hm sound. "So if a Diamond isn't perfect like how you need them to be...what would you do?" I ask her and she looks like she's thinking. "Well it depends on how they are..if they are cracked or off color it's okay..if they are evil and don't have any kindness in them then they will get poofed.." She answers me and I nod. "What if..I got cracked?" I ask and she just looks at me. "Then I won't look at you any differently why are you asking all these questions?" White answers then asks. I decide not to tell her just yet. "I was just wondering.." I say flatly. "Oh alright well we're almost back at Homeworld and while you were exploring I started getting things ready for your ball so we should be able to have it in a few days" White says with a smile and that makes me grin. "Ooh that sounds fun! I'm excited for the ball!" I exclaim happily. After that we get back to Homeworld and I go back to my courters as White goes to hers. "Pearl?" I ask as I walk into my courters. "Hello Red" She greets with a smile and I smile back. "Hey can I show you something? But you have to promise you won't tell the others" I ask her. She nods and I move my hair off my eye. She then gasps. "Red what happened??" Pearl asks me and I sit down on my chair. "I fell off a ride on Earth and I think it cracked my Diamond a little..." I say as I put my face in my hands. Pearl walks up to me and looks at my gem. "Well good thing is that you can only see the crack if your extremely close..." She says and I sigh in relief. "At least the others won't know.." I say and she nods. "Pearl? Thank you..for keeping the secret" I say thankfully. "You're welcome Red" She says with a smile.

A/N Fifth complete

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