Chapter 16

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White Diamond Pov

I leave the room as my blush fades away and start thinking. 'could I really be getting feelings for her? Pfft no way' I shake my head and chuckle to myself at the ridiculous thought. I continue walking until I get to my courters and I go inside. I walk over to my diamond tablet (I don't know what it's called) and I begin trying to find out what Black's next move will be. I'm worried for all the gems around me...she only has something against me and I just brought everyone else into it. Yellow, Blue, or Red could end up shattered thanks to me. 'No I can't think like that they'll all be fine as long as we get rid of Black...' I think to myself as I type on my tablet.

~~Two hours later~~

I finally found out we're Black and her army could be...but it's just a hunch and it could be a trap. I get up from my chair and walk out of my room. As I'm walking in the hallway I see Red Pearl. "Pearl could you possibly get Red, Blue, and Yellow for me and tell them to come to the meeting room?" I ask her and she nods. "Yes my diamond" She says as she scatters away. Once I get to the meeting room and I sit in my chair waiting for them.

Yellow Diamond Pov

I'm talking with my army about plans to attack when Red's Pearl comes in. "My Diamond White would like for you to meet her in the meeting room" She says and she does the Diamond salute and bows her head. "Got it I'll be right there" I state to her and she nods then walks out. "Remember even though I'm leaving you better keep training and going over the plan" I tell my army as I leave to go to the meeting room. 'I wonder what White could want..maybe it's something else about Black..maybe she has another plan...who knows I guess I'll find out when I get there' I think to myself as I make my way there. As I walk in I see White but she seems lost in thought. "White?" I try but I get no response. "Homeworld to White come in White??" Again no answer. I walk over to her and tap her should. "Hm?" She looks at me confused. "Are you alright? You zoned out.." I question her. She just nods. "Yes I'm fine I was just thinking.." She informs me and I smirk. "About whom?" I ask teasing her about her attraction to a certain someone. She turn a light shade of pink. "W-what? No I was thinking about plans to attack Black" White states quickly. "Mhm sure" I say as I chuckle and sit down.

Blue Diamond Pov

I'm sitting in my courters thinking about my Pearl. She was one of my closest friends. We talked about a lot of things together and she even told me about her feelings for Yellow Pearl...she really liked that gem. I'm interrupted by a knock on my door. I walk over to it and open it not expecting to see Red Pearl. "Oh hello" I say and I wave gently. She does the Diamond salute. "Hello my diamond. I came to inform you that White wants you to come to the meeting room" She tells me and I nod. "Alright then I should get going" I say and she starts walking away then I leave my courters and start heading towards the meeting room letting my mind drift off. 'I wonder if Yellow is there...most likely she is White never calls us all at separate times. Hm why do I feel all weird when I think about Yellow? Could it be possible I have feelings for her..?' I blink a few times and look up only to be right in front of the meeting room. White is laughing and Yellow is turning a crimson color. I wonder what their talking about. I walk inside the room. "White it's not funny!" Yellow shouts. "Hahahaha oh but it's hilarious!" White says as she keeps laughing. "What did I miss?" I ask with a smile on my face. "Yellow- hahaha Yellow is-" White doesn't get to say anything else because Yellow covers her mouth. "If you say anything I swear I will expose you right here" Yellow says to her causing White to put her hands up in surrender. "Okay okay I won't say anything" She says in defeat and I sit down. 'What could Yellow be hiding...'

Red Diamond Pov

I'm sitting in my dorm talking to Steven on a rectangular box that he gave me called a phone. "Yeah so me and Connie ended up in the bottom of the ocean an-" Steven gets interrupted by Pearl as she enters. "Steven have you seen Amethyst? She took one of my swords" Pearl asked him and then she realized I was on the phone. "Oh hello Red" She says as she waves slightly. "Hi Pearl" I wave back. "Well I'll call you later Red" He says as he waves bye. "Bye Steven and make sure you finish telling me that story!" I say with a giggle. "I will" He says with a smile as he hangs up. I set the phone down as I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I shout and then I see my Pearl come in. "Oh hey what's up?" I greet her. "Hi Red White wants all of you to meet her in the meeting room." She tells me. "All of who?" I ask confused. "She facepalms. "She wants all of you Diamonds to meet her there" She says sounding disappointed. I laugh slightly. "Oh yeah I knew that heh..okay well I'm gonna go meet her come back here later so we can hang out and bring both Spinels!" I say as I run out of my courters and I go to the meeting room. 'I wonder if White has a surprise for us all..maybe she made another gem to be our friend or it could just be something else about Black. The lack of knowledge I have on this subject upsets me because I have no idea of what's going on.' I think to myself as I walk into the meeting room only to see Blue laughing and Yellow and White turning red. "What did I miss?" I ask with a confused smile on my face. "Oh Red we were just talking about you!" Blue say with a smile on her face. "No we weren't!" White says with a panicked look on her face. "That's kinda sus White.." I say causing them to look at me confused. "What does that mean?" They ask in unison. "I learned it from Steven" I say with a shrug as I climb up to my chair with the help of Yellow. "So back to the situation at hand..why did you call us here White?" Yellow questions as the redness on her and White's face fades. "Well I found Black's location-" "That's great!" I interrupt only getting a look of disapproval from Yellow. "Sorry go on" I apologize and focus on White. "But I think it could possibly be a trap and I thought that maybe since we're not so sure I could go check it out." She finishes. "We'll go with you it's dangerous to go alone" Blue says. Yellow and I nod in agreement. "We can't let you go against Black alone you could get hurt and I can't let that happen." I say to her. "If you all come with me then you could all get hurt. So your all staying here and I'm going alone." She orders. "No I'll go with you and Blue and Red can stay here then we have people here in case an attack happens then we'll be there in case we need to fight them there" Yellow says to White. White seems to be thinking it through. She sighs. "Fine you can come with Yellow but you both will stay here no disobeying my orders and I'm talking about you Starbright" She says as she looks at me. "Wha- I wouldn't- Pssh that's ridiculous" I say and look away. "Don't follow us... I'm serious Red" White says in a gentle voice. I sigh gently and nod. "Fine I promise I won't come" I tell her and she smiles. "Good now let's make a plan."

A/N I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and there should be a new chapter in a week or two maybe sooner

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