Chapter Eleven

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Red Diamond Pov

I run to the other side of the palace so I can get to the training grounds. I eventually make it there and run inside as I see Yellow. "Your five minutes and thirty-one seconds late" Yellow says and I roll my eyes. "Yellow it's fine I'm here now...why is it such a big deal?" I ask the taller gem. "It's a big deal because if your late to an actual battle then someone could be killed! So start acting like an actual Diamond and get it together!" She raised her voice. I look at down as she told me to act like a actual Diamond. I don't want to act like a Diamond I just want to be me. I sigh softly and look up at her. "Okay Yellow... I'm sorry now can we please get on to the training" I question almost in a whisper. "Fine let's get started..I suppose I'll come down to your height" She says as she shrinks down to my height. "Now get into a fighting position" Yellow demanded and I got into my best fighting positions. I'm standing like how the tiny people stand in the game kids were playing on Earth. "Am I doing it right?" I ask and I see her shake her head. "No your not standing right. Don't have your leg that far out that'll make your leg a weak spot so they could trip you easily. Pull your arms a little closer to you so you can easily block them. Good." She said as I got into the correct position. "So..what now?" I ask still standing in the pose. "When you can finally take me down we'll move on to finding out your gem powers...the training begins now" She says as she gets into a proper position. (By the way with the fighting position I have no clue what I'm talking about lol) I groan in frustration as I hit the floor for the hundredth time in the few hours we've been at this. "Red you have to focus on your enemy! Look for their weak spots don't be scared to fight!" Yellow shouts at me. I slowly stand back up. "I'm trying to focus Yellow! Trust me I am! It's just hard to focus on someone who's fought in...I don't even know how many wars! You know how to fight! What to do so your target will stop focusing on you! Your better at fighting because you've been in more fights!" I yell as I point at her angrily. She looks at me as if she's thinking. "I'll call in a Jasper or a Amethyst that you can train with and I'll watch from the sidelines" Yellow said as she grew into her full height and walked out. I huff and lay on the ground. "Fighting is exhausting isn't it?" I hear a voice ask. "Yeah it is...wait a minute...who are you?" I ask as I get up and look at the gem. As soon as I do I see a Black Pearl. How did she even get in here?? "Well I'm Black Pearl pleasure..I suppose. I thought Diamonds were supposed to be more formal and not well... laying on the ground" She said as she looked at me in disgust. I stand up fully and dust myself off. "Where did you even come from? How'd you get in here?" I ask the Pearl. She laughs. "Oh tsk tsk couldn't have thought Black Diamond didn't have any abilities of her own? She teleported me here. She's actually not to far away she's on Homeworld at this very moment. She's just waiting for a moment of weakness to strike" Black Pearl says with a smile. Not a good one either. She walks up to me so we're inches away from each other. My face turns into one of rage as I scowl at the slightly smaller gem. "Leave!" I say to her but she just laughs. "Here take this note. Give it to Yellow. Goodbye Red I'll see you again soon" The Pearl said as she disappeared in thin air. I look at the paper she put in my hand. What could even be one this note? I am about to open the note but as soon as the touch the paper with the other hand it zaps me. "What in stars name was that?" I ask myself. "What was what?" I hear Yellow ask as she walks back into the room with a Jasper. I look up at her then at the note. "Uh don't freak out..but Black's Pearl came in here and gave me a note to give to you" I say holding out the paper to her. She grabs the paper out of my hand and reads it. After she reads it she uses her powers to zap it which catches it on fire causing it to burn. "What did it say?" I ask as Jasper and I look at each other then to her. "Nothing important now..train with Jasper." She says changing the subject. Jasper and I start fighting. We've been fighting for hours. Neither of us taking defeat. I can tell were both starting to get tired so I inspect her form. I see that she's about to kick. When she does I catch her foot and pull causing her to loose balance and fall. I look at Yellow seeing her smile. "Now can we be done training for the day?" I ask hopefully as the Jasper gets up and leaves. "Yes we can but you have to come back tomorrow I'll be with the other Diamonds" Yellow says and as soon as those words leave her mouth I leave the training room. I'm walking around the palace decide to actually go into the pink room. As I go inside I see that everything is indeed pink. There are some stairs that lead to a door and some stairs that lead to a small desk with a mirror on it but the mirror is cracked and has a few missing pieces. I pick up a piece of glass and have a vision. I see a Pink gem looking at the mirror. She looks down like she's thinking and when she looks back up she seems angry. She punches the mirror causing it to break and her Pearl to immediately walk over. I drop the piece of glass and gasp. I found out my gem power. Now I need to find my gem weapon and then I'll be prepared for this fight.

A/N Thanks for reading my story! This contains 1115 words. Picture credit to Pearlsona on Pinterest.

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